
The Northwest Area stretches from Northern California to the Canadian border and eastward into Idaho. We have over 100 I-Groups in almost three dozen communities. We have many constituencies including leaders, elders, lodge keepers, and PIT leaders,  and we have almost 50 different email lists that use MKP Connect. This does not include any other email lists that use Google, Yahoo or some other service. Communicating effectively has been a bit of a challenge… to say the least.

I have been asked to at least attempt to solve this problem. At the very least, I want to put some structure in place to make it easier. I have created a Communications Plan for addressing this mess and a Communications Advisory Team (CAT) to help implement the plan. The plan has three phases:

  1. Document and clean up our infrastructure. I have made a list of all of the MKP Connect email lists and am working with the CAT to clean up those lists and to enhance the (this) website. During this phase, we will create a page for every sustaining or developing community that has signed a charter with MKP USA.
    I envision (subject to limitations of reality) that this page will have a local blog and event calendar as well as a list of email lists (V-Groups) and I-Groups that belong to that community.
  2. When the infrastructure is in place, I will work with the community coordinators of the larger communities to train them to post blogs and events and use Google Docs. During this phase, we will be continuing to improve our web site and document our processes and practices.
  3. Phase 3 is ongoing support and tuning and incremental improvement.

Well, that’s the plan. Please feel free to comment and give me any feedback you may have.

Bob Jones

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