Navigating Life in a New Frontier
We’re all feeling it. Many of us are clinging desperately to the way it used to be, wishing we could make this all go away. In the back of our minds, we know things are never going to be the same. Things have already changed. Navigating the dark night of our times, and embracing the disruption to create new pathways for personal transformation and adaptation is a revolutionary act. This is the time to meet uncertainty with courage and resolve, and your choice to participate in “Living with Disruption” will equip you with new ways to meet the challenge of today.
Strange Times in a New Land
Are there ways your life has become strange and frustrating? Does it seem like some things that worked really well before are no longer working? Are things that have always been one way, rapidly changing before your eyes? You can try to hold on to the old ways that no longer work, or you can choose TRANSFORMATION and change your life for the better.
It’s an inner transformation that allows us to understand and operate in the NEW WORLD. Maybe you’re still resisting? Waking up in the morning expecting that somehow, things will get back to normal. And in the still of the night, in the depths of our bellies, we know we’re not going back.
It’s Time for a New Map
THE MANKIND PROJECT has been providing life transforming experiences to tens of thousands of men for 35 years. This SEVEN WEEK ADVENTURE into your evolution during disruptive times is no exception. As a participant in this course, you will:
- IDENTIFY which life strategies have served you and which need adaptation
- EXPLORE sources of strength and direction when the edge of difficulty presents itself
- ENHANCE your capacity to travel without a map in new territory (descent, grief)
- EMBRACE disruption to reinvent yourself to create the life of your dreams
I am over halfway through the Living Through Disruption course and have found it deeply impactful. The course material helps us address personal challenges we’re experiencing in this unprecedented time. The facilitators promote connection between the men that cultivates safety, trust, and vulnerability within the group, and then the magic happens. Stephán and JD are skillful and talented facilitators who demonstrate deep caring and heartfulness for the men while guiding us adeptly through the curriculum. The group is a highlight of my week.
This seven week course not only helped me survive and thrive during the covid isolation, it helped me grow into the man I am, the powerful man I was afraid to acknowledge in the past. It is brilliantly conceived and executed with love and wisdom by the two experienced facilitators. Finally, I would like to note that it is designed for any man, not just men in MKP.
I believe everything happens for a reason. I had never heard of Man Kind Project. Someone close to me told me about the organization and started researching. What pulled me in was the talk about becoming a better leader. Unfortunately, due to Covid, there were no retreats being offered. There was this online program, Living Through Disruption. I leaned into this with a lot of curiosity and really no expectations, I have never done anything like this before. 5 weeks later, it has become more than I ever expected. LTD is a safe place that allows their participants to be vulnerable while being supported and comfortable. If you go through this program with an open mind and heart you will get what you need. The facilitators are real people who use their own experiences to help guide us men become the best versions of ourselves.
The Road Map to a New World
Introduction – Pinpoint where you are in these times, and prepare for future breakthroughs, with purpose and clarity. (Know where you are. Get an accurate view on how your life is working.)
Go to the Roar – Confront your obstacles and roadblocks, and learn valuable new skills to overcome them. (When you are clear about the obstacles in your path, you’ll see the road ahead.)
Putting your House In Order – Discover what is no longer working for you, and let them go. Answer the question: what habits are keeping you down and what tweaks will lift you up. (You’ll establish habits to equip you for the next leg of your journey.)
At the Crossroads – Experience a deep understanding of who you are, how you approach disruption and where you can find leverage for change. (The crossroads offers an opportunity for transformation. Leverage what you’ve learned to blaze a new way forward.)
Going into the Depths (Dark Night of the Soul) – Traverse the crossroads of your life. Increase your capacity to make conscious choices, in the face of uncertainty. (Awake to the power of your choices, you’ve learned to see in the dark.)
Legacy – Create the map that you’ll use to forge a new road home, where you’ll create your next grand adventure. (See the reality of your riches on a new map of your world. Celebrate. Get ready to create your next adventure.)
Recommitting to Purpose – Share the story of your adventures of what you’ve learned, and revel in the celebration of your success. (Embody the story of your adventure. Together, we celebrate the trials and victories of our journeys.)
Your Guides Through Transformation
Initiated: December 1993
Co-Leader, LA Leader Body Chair, Certified Coach
Certified Yoga Instructor
I’m a proud gay man living with my husband in Los Angeles. I love the work I do because it brings me face to face with individuals and groups. I most enjoy the fact that I get to support people in discovering tools and paths that increase their wellbeing, growth, and understanding of who they can be.
Initiated: September 2012
Area Steward, Co-Leader
Writer | Filmmaker
I am a Los Angeles based Aspirer. An aspiring writer. An aspiring filmmaker. An aspiring talk show host. An aspiring poet. An aspiring humanitarian. An aspiring activist. An aspiring Buddhist. And an Aspiring human being.
Starting September 2, 2025
(Sep 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, Oct 7, 14)
4:00pm – 6:00pm Eastern
(find my time)
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If you have any questions, please email us at and we’ll be glad to assist you