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Learn to Spot and Stop Harmful Group Dynamics

Do you ever feel like something is ‘off’ in a group process you’re part of?

Have you ever had a feeling that there is something present, something unseen in the space, but you’re unable to identify it … and unable to respond effectively to it?

There may be Shadow present …

What is Shadow, you might ask? Essentially, it is the things about us as individuals, groups, organizations, businesses, cultures, nations, and humanity, that we try to sidestep dealing with, despite the harm this avoidance creates… or we deal with in ways that only make things worse.

What is Shadow Watching? Essentially, it is spotting when shadow emerges in a group in ways that harm their collaboration, productivity, or good will… and then intervening with this in ways that get the group back on track in positive ways.

Shadow Watcher Training online is a four session, 12 hour hands-on program that equips people to be effective Shadow Watchers for their group, organization, business, or agency. This is an important skill for keeping group dynamics functioning well that virtually no one has heard of, let alone been trained in.

This is a LIVE ONLINE training designed for all people with a background in soulful work like that done in the ManKind Project, Woman Within International, HER, Women in Power, UnderstandMen, Animas Valley Institute, Illuman, Evryman, and others.

The training was a resounding success for me. The 3 hr sessions went by very quickly. I was impressed by the completeness of subjects presented, and by the obvious depth of knowledge or all the leaders. I appreciated how clearly and precisely the leaders used language as the subject of Shadow Watching was dissected and discussed. There has so much work and care creating this training. It should become a standard for MKP.

Michael Radoslovich

This is the class on Shadow Watching that I’ve been waiting for. It de-mystified Shadow Watching for me, and I believe that I can now take on this role without hesitation, because I now know what to watch for and how to point it out appropriately, and with confidence. I certainly have more to learn, but now I have a good base of knowledge to empower me.

Dan Groskopf

How Shadow Undermines Your Group

Together, we’ll explore six ways that shadow can harm how groups, organizations, and meetings function. You’ll learn how to spot and intervene with each, along with a complete protocol for activating and utilizing a shadow watcher.

This four session LIVE ONLINE course will define shadow for the purpose of shadow watching, unpack the shadow watcher role, review a procedure for activating a shadow watcher, define levels of intensity in intervening, explore how shadow watchers deal with their own shadow, layout a debriefing procedure, and more. When you finish this course, you’ll have a new way of seeing every process and meeting you’re a part of, and a set of tools and techniques to improve them.

This is the best MKP training I have encountered; outstanding in depth of knowledge of all four facilitators. The obvious professional status of lead facilitator David Gruder, along with his self-confidence and easy way of presenting, gave this course world class quality that will enhance MKP USA’s standing as a top flight training organization.

Tom Reilly

I would recommend this for anybody wanting to either understand shadows and shadow watching better, or to apply what they learned to meeting-type situations later. The training is clear as a bell and challenging at the same time.

John de Strakosch

Session One

  • Intro & Check In
  • Unpacking the Expanded Shadow Definition for Shadow Watching 
  • Defining the 6 Forms that Shadow takes

Session Two

  • Role playing the Shadow Types
  • How to speak up about Shadow when there’s no Shadow Watcher defined
  • Where should the Shadow Watcher be standard practice?

Session Three

  • Unpack the Role: Scope of Responsibilities, Authority and Limits
  • Shadow Watcher Activation Procedure
  • How to Intervene With Each Form of Shadow

Session Four

  • Intervening with the Shadow
  • Preparing for different Contexts and Circumstances
  • Watching your own shadow
  • The Shadow Watching Debrief

Your Shadow Watcher Training Guides

Initiated: 2002

Dr. David Gruder is a 12-award-winning bestselling clinical & organizational development psychologist who Radio-TV Interview Report named America’s Integrity Expert. An MKP member since 2002, David is a Ritual Elder and co-architect of MKP’s Shadow Watcher Training Program. His mission of impact is to co-create a spirit-aligned world of integrity, collaboration & abundance, by vulnerably exposing his heart, wisdom & flaws.

Initiated: 1989 Haimo Woods, Wisconsin

John Leighton was initiated in 1989 at the original New Warrior Training Adventure site at Haimo Woods, Wisconsin. He has been on the Shadow Watcher Team since its inception in 2015 and became a Ritual Elder in 2017. He’s a retired professional project manager (PPM) and a volunteer crew member of the San Diego Maritime Museum, where he serves as the staff photographer.

Initiated: 2007 San Diego

Steve Marsh was initiated in MKP in 2007. He was certified as a Ritual Elder in 2017 and now is the San Diego Co-Head Elder. He is one of the Co-Authors of the Shadow Watcher Training program. He has staffed 17 NWTAs and has also staffed HER and Boys to Men weekends. His mission is to create a world of peace and happiness by being strong clear and decisive. His Elder mission is to create a safer world through loving acceptance without judgment. Steve is a US Naval Aviation veteran. He sings with the La Jolla Symphony Chorus and has served on the boards of various charitable and professional organizations.
Initiated: 1993 San Diego

Walt Stepahin initiated in MKP in 1993. He was certified as a Ritual Elder in 2007 and now is in Emeritus status. He is one of the Co-Authors of the Shadow Watcher Training program. Walt has served MKP San Diego in many positions over the years including staffing 42 NWTAs. His mission is to dwell in a world of grace, by venturing open hearted to uncover and bless the divinity in all things.


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