Do you want to help MKP USA make the New Warrior Training Adventure accessible to more men of color?
The Diversity Scholarship Fund helps men from specific minority groups in the USA attend the New Warrior Training Adventure by providing reimbursements to MKP USA Centers for up to $200 per man up to two men attending the NWTA.
Areas (not trainees) apply to MKP-USA for $200 USB Diversity scholarship reimbursements after a man has completed his NWTA. The fund is targeted specifically for African American, Native American, and Latino / Hispanic men from the USA who are unable to afford the training fee, and may be supplemented by the center’s own scholarship fund.
Funds are distributed by the MKP USA Financial Director. Depending on demand, the grants will be distributed so that all applying Areas get their share before any given center gets additional grants. [If you are an Area Steward, Area Admin, Financial Officer or Board Chair, you may apply for MKP USA Diversity Scholarship Funds by contacting MKP USA Finance at:
Only USA minority men are eligible.
What if I am not a man of color?
ManKind Project USA local communities use a variety of financial assistance strategies to help any man ready to do this work get to the New Warrior Training Adventure. There are scholarship programs and payment plans ready to support you.