If You’re New to Men’s Work
Online Open Men’s Groups
Looking to be part of a community of men who get real? Online Open Men's Groups are for any man wanting to build community, deepen self-awareness, and improve relationships. They are free to attend, confidential, and facilitated by men with experience in men's work. Since they are drop-in groups, every man is welcome to attend any week. When you're ready to make a step into your personal growth, check it out.
The Men’s Work – An Introduction
If you are just beginning on your path of personal development, the Men’s Work 3 Week LIVE Online Course was made for you. Designed to jump-start your self-understanding, this 3 session course is low-cost, confidential, and facilitated by pairs of experienced facilitators. Course curriculum includes essential skills for any man looking to ‘up his game’ in work, relationship, and family. Free ongoing weekly Alumni Calls included.
The Men’s Work – Crossroads
GO FROM TOUCHING ON A NEW WAY OF BEING … to seeing, being, and living from your authentic values and core beliefs. Deeply confront your resistance. Figure out what’s been getting in the way of you moving forward in your life and take tangible steps to building the world you want. The Men's Work - CROSSROADS is designed and facilitated by men who deeply understand what it takes to permanently make changes for the better.
Discover Your Path – DYP
Discover Your Path is a powerful hybrid experience for men new to men's work that combines a three session online introduction with a one day in person event out in nature and a closing gathering online. This is an opportunity to connect with a community of men on a journey and explore the burdens you're carrying in your life.
Initiation Weekend + Integration Training
What is this?
The New Warrior Training Adventure (NWTA) is a modern initiation experience for men. This intensive is a real time hero’s journey created over a single weekend to offer shifts in how you relate to yourself, your relationships, and the world. Tens of thousands of men count this weekend among the most powerful and challenging experiences of their lives. It’s safe, supportive and cutting edge.
This is not a retreat, a conference or a workshop.
What you get …
Initiation + Integration = a path to becoming the man you want to be.
Initiation can radically shift your internal compass. You’ll see yourself and other men differently, and gain a new perspective on who you are and what you want as a man. This is our intensive weekend – the New Warrior Training Adventure. This is the beginning of the journey.
We believe initiation isn’t complete without integrating your experience, so we include our follow-up integration training with the weekend. You can take it at any time after the weekend, and it’s available in several formats, including in-person and online.
Integration gives you new skills and tools. You’ll learn to embody new patterns and build ongoing community with men’s group brothers committed to growth. For many men these connections become lifetime friendships. This is our follow-up – the Primary Integration Training – which we’ve been offering for over 30 years.
Your growth, relationships, and success matter.
We’ve got your back now.
We’ve got your back down the road.
We are men supporting other men to become better men.
You deserve the transformation of a modern initiation, and ongoing integration to continue your growth.
Men’s Group Trainings
The Men’s Work – A Circle of Men
Well run and facilitated men's groups are the very foundation of powerful men's work. MKP USA's A Circle of Men is a 10 week online live-facilitated men's group where participants discover and develop their leadership, conflict handling and facilitation skills. These groups are forges that help hone men’s strengths to create the kind of life they want to live and to create positive, life-giving, and healing impacts in the world and personal lives.
I-Group Facilitation Training • IGFT
IGFT is an advanced training for facilitating highly effective men’s support groups. It is a 2-day curriculum that deepens and expands on the material taught in the Primary Integration Training, offering men additional tools and practices for creating safe and effective spaces for personal development work. You will have an opportunity to practice your facilitation skills being the facilitator, being facilitated and being an observer.
I-Group Leadership Skills Training • IGLST
The I-Group Leadership Skills Training will help you become a safer, more connected, and more competent Leader. The training covers Online Kingship, Group agreements & Trust Building, Elements of a Safe Container, Influence I-Group Growth and Time Flow & Management. Every man has opportunities to facilitate processes based on his energy and experience during any work being done. Respect the process is emphasized throughout.
Primary Integration Training • PIT
Continue the Journey. The PIT is the first step in integrating the transformative impact of the New Warrior Training Adventure into a man’s life. During the PIT, men learn the foundational tools needed to participate in ManKind Project men’s circles. Many of the concepts and frameworks introduced on the New Warrior Training Adventure are explored and refined to ground men in practices to help them be the mature men they want to be in every endeavor.
Intercultural Competency Trainings
Unpacking Power Privilege and Difference
This training is for developing intercultural competency, and is designed for all people with a background in soulful work like that done in the ManKind Project, Woman Within International, HER, Women in Power, UnderstandMen, Animas Valley Institute, and others. In this online training, we are setting out to learn a model of multicultural awareness and to provide a common language and common ground for multicultural dialog and relationships.
Waking Up To Whiteness
Inequity, violence, and injustice are features of our society. We believe that uncomfortable conversations about our history, personal experience, and unexplored beliefs are a critical part of creating a more just society and a better community. To do this work as White men, we’ve created this course to learn, support, and challenge ourselves. Using materials primarily by Black creators, we'll lean in and explore, together.
Self-Directed Trainings
Integral Thinking
Incorporating Integral Thinking into your life could be your next opportunity to make an even greater difference in the world. This self-paced online course gives you tools to make more sense of the world while guiding you to greater levels of personal development. Men's work gave you a new perspective of yourself and others. This Integral Thinking course offers you a chance to take the next steps to becoming a man whose very presence can powerfully impact others.
Man on Purpose
Discover your purpose. Ignite a new source of creativity & passion. In 2014 and 2015, MKP USA brought together over three dozen expert speakers on living a life of Purpose, Insight and Action. When you’re living your life with a clear purpose, your career begins to thrive. Your relationships deepen and become more solid. You get respect from your peers. Your leadership comes online. This series is available as a digital download and includes interviews with noteworthy experts.
Power of Purpose Summit
What is my purpose? How do I cultivate a purposeful life? What brings me alive? What’s possible when my creativity, energy, and power are in line with my calling? How will I serve the world? If you’re looking to answer some big questions in your life, this is a resource to help guide you. This is a place to get tools, ideas, and inspiration from a diverse group of teachers who can help you make the necessary shifts in your life to align yourself with your purpose.
For New Warrior Training Adventure Grads
The Men’s Work – Living Through Disruption
We’re all feeling it. Many of us are clinging desperately to the way it used to be. Yet, we know things are never going to be the same. Embracing disruption to create new pathways for personal transformation is a revolutionary act. This is the time to meet uncertainty with courage and resolve, and your choice to participate in “Living with Disruption” will equip you with new ways to meet these challenges.
After the Adventure
A select number of ManKind Project USA training centers offer “After the Adventure,” a one-night online event to reflect, integrate, and connect after your hero’s journey is complete. Guided by men who staffed the weekend, this program is a space for New Brothers to debrief, ask questions, get support, and anchor their experience. It will also help New Brothers identify appropriate next steps for themselves in their lives and in the MKP community. Join your Brothers to tell the tale of your adventure.
Ask & Tell – A Group Coaching Program
Ask & Tell is a coaching experience formed by GBTQ+ Leaders geared for GBTQ+ identifying participants. It’s a unique context for work using group and individual coaching as a method for lasting change. This program is a break from the legacy of invisibility. We bring together Gay Bi Trans and Queer folks for the purpose of uncovering a deeper understanding and perspective about who we are as leaders in the world. We strive to create lives of, and on, purpose.
Learn and practice skills to enhance your staffing ability on New Warrior Training Adventures. The skills taught are appropriate for a junior staff man (4-10 NWTA trainings). Introduction to MKP core values with an emphasis on Impact and awareness of Power, Privilege, and Difference. Deepen your awareness of the Archetypes. Teach and set the tone of GUTS and support men to experience Magician, Warrior, Lover, and King through a GUTS process. Learn Shadow awareness and Shadow watching.
I-Group Leadership Skills Training • IGLST
The I-Group Leadership Skills Training will help you become a safer, more connected, and more competent Leader. The training covers Online Kingship, Group agreements & Trust Building, Elements of a Safe Container, Influence I-Group Growth and Time Flow & Management. Every man has opportunities to facilitate processes based on his energy and experience during any work being done. Respect the process is emphasized throughout.
Integration Groups • I-Groups
Called “Integration Groups” or “I-Groups,” our flagship men’s circles are designed to help men who have completed the New Warrior Training Adventure integrate tools and processes discovered on that transformational journey. These circles give men opportunities to be in connection with with other men, to support and challenge each other, to hold each other accountable, and to give them a place so speak their truth without fear of judgment. I-Groups form the heart of the ManKind Project brotherhood.
Introduction to Conflict Resolution
Have you experienced a conflict in an I-Group that led to men leaving the group…or leaving MKP? Many of us have experiences in men’s groups where a clearing is NOT a conflict resolution tool. It was never designed to be that…and yet many of us have made the mistake of trying to use it that way. It’s kind of like trying to remove a screw with a hammer. This training teaches a simple conflict resolution process known as the MKP “tool kit.”
Leader Training 1 • LT1
Leader Training 1 is a 2.5-day training that teaches men to lead groups and build strong teams with positive interpersonal relationships. The training includes multicultural awareness training on heterosexism, and includes a 7-week follow-up training. Led by two LT1 Leader Trainers, this course focuses on the Lover quadrant, setting the context with the Process Question: “Do we have a container?” LT1 takes a deep look how to safely build, maintain, support through challenges, and then release containers.
Leader Training 2 • LT2
Leader Training 2, led by two certified LT2 Leader Trainers focuses on holding and handling the burden of leadership. The course includes multicultural training on classism/elitism, and the follow-up program,. “Whatever it Takes." The course focuses on the Warrior quadrant training, and the context is set by the Process Question: “What are your blessings and burdens of leadership?” The ‘Burden Process’ continues to be a mainstay in this training. Key processes covered are: Accountability and Mission.
Leader Training 3 • LT3
Leader Training 3 examines the predator and victim within us as leaders. This 2.5-day course, lead by two certified LT3 Leader Trainers, focuses on creating safety, and includes a multicultural training on sexism. It is intended to serve men moving into leadership positions in MKP. This training offers a deep look at our Victim/Perpetrator shadow that gets in the way of our leadership. This is a King’s quadrant training, and addresses the Process question: “Who or what is an authentic servant leader?”
Primary Integration Training • PIT
Continue the Journey. The PIT is the first step in integrating the transformative impact of the New Warrior Training Adventure into a man’s life. During the PIT, men learn the foundational tools needed to participate in ManKind Project men’s circles. Many of the concepts and frameworks introduced on the New Warrior Training Adventure are explored and refined to ground men in practices to help them be the mature men they want to be in every endeavor.
Shadow Watcher
What is Shadow? Essentially, it is the things about us as individuals, groups, organizations, businesses, cultures, nations, and humanity, that we try to sidestep dealing with, despite the harm this avoidance creates… or we deal with in ways that only make things worse. What is Shadow Watching? Essentially, it is spotting when shadow emerges in ourselves or in a group in ways that harm collaboration, productivity, or good will… and then intervening in ways that get the group positively back on track.
Staff Training 1 • ST1
This 1.5 day training is required for men before their 4th NWTA. The focus of the ST1 is the Warrior archetype, while teaching all four archetypes. The focus of this training is to review and teach the flow, energy, and intent of the processes on the NWTA, with the context set by the Process question: “What’s so new about being a New Warrior?” By dissecting the flow and processes of the New Warrior Training Adventure, men take a deeper look at the archetypes at the heart of our work.
Unpacking Power Privilege and Difference
This training is for developing intercultural competency, and is designed for all people with a background in soulful work like that done in the ManKind Project, Woman Within International, HER, Women in Power, UnderstandMen, Animas Valley Institute, and others. In this online training, we are setting out to learn a model of multicultural awareness and to provide a common language and common ground for multicultural dialog and relationships.
Waking Up To Whiteness
Inequity, violence, and injustice are features of our society. We believe that uncomfortable conversations about our history, personal experience, and unexplored beliefs are a critical part of creating a more just society and a better community. To do this work as White men, we’ve created this course to learn, support, and challenge ourselves. Using materials primarily by Black creators, we'll lean in and explore, together.
A Couples Weekend
Healing, Empowerment, and Deeper Intimacy for all kinds of committed relationships. Learn how gender differences impact your relationship. By participating in same gender and mixed gender groups you can learn how to deal with the different expectations and assumptions that men and women often bring into a relationship. The skills taught at New Warrior & Women Within trainings primarily focus on your personal empowerment and may not always work with a partner. You will learn the skills and tools specifically designed to deepen your relationship.
CORE Type Map Assessment
CORE MAP is an assessment designed to provide deep, broad, and accurate analyses to get past conditioned perceptions and behaviors and reveal natural traits and abilities unique to you. CORE MAP provides a clear baseline from which to build, which results in very rapid personal and professional growth and progress. Thousands of testimonials from coach facilitators and their thrilled clients make it clear that this assessment works. CORE MAP is an integrated system that measures and integrates from many angles.
Gender Equity and Reconciliation
Gender Equity and Reconciliation (GERI) is a burgeoning new field of transformational healing and reconciliation between men and women. This 3-day experiential workshop recognizes the profound wound in the human family constellated around cultural conditioning relating to gender, sexuality, and relational intimacy. The “gender wound” is manifested in myriad forms in virtually every society across the planet. For many participants the result is profound and transformational healing.
Intro to Multicultural Leadership
The Introduction to Multicultural Leadership is a Next Level Leadership Training geared toward personal and professional leadership. This 2.5-day workshop is an advanced training which has provided applied consultation for executives, managers, team leaders, consultants, educators, clergy, board members and others who are called upon to lead a group through the exploration of differences. It provides a way to language and integrate working with group differences while extending your knowledge and skills.
Next Step Training
The Next Step Training is open to men and women who regularly participate in peer-support circles such as I-Groups and E-Circles. It is designed to be a deeper dive into the integration of vision, mission, and action into your daily life; to take the catharsis of initiation and transform it into meaningful choices, habits, and actions to manifest your vision and mission in the world. You will learn to change your life from the inside out. The Next Step Training is designed to be a deep dive into the integration of vision, mission, and action into your daily life.
Shame Resilience
This online program focuses on giving men lifelong tools to be resilient to shame. The course will define what shame is and what it is not. Similarly, the course will define what exactly resilience is and how even though we cannot become resistant to shame we can learn to live with it in a better way. We will practice being in mutually empathetic relationships. We will learn to recognize shame in our bodies and understand where it comes from. Furthermore, we will understand how we try to avoid shame and how dysfunctional it becomes.
Successful Living Basic Training
Practical, easy-to-integrate concepts and tools for a satisfying, enjoyable life… at any age, at any time, anywhere! The ManKind Project USA has partnered with the Center for Creative Living, founded by Patricia Clason. Clason’s success over four decades of curriculum development makes this highly accessible personal development offering a perfect entry-point for any man or woman. It’s an impact driven and pragmatic program, delivered in seven self-directed modules to help you break through your limiting beliefs and achieve your dreams!
Noble Man Workshop
What would it be like to walk into a room confidently, knowing that you can be your authentic, 100% true self, openly sharing whatever is real for you in the moment…in front of women? That you can be appreciated, valued, respected, and even loved by these women for who you are? The Noble Man is a workshop primarily staffed by women for men who are committed to having a truly fulfilling life. It’s real, it’s raw, and it’ll rock your soul. You’ll get to experiment and test what it’s like to let down your walls. Whether you’ve done men’s work before or not, this is a weekend like no other!
Understanding Your Leadership
This powerful introductory leadership training will help you be at the forefront of the evolving nature of leadership, inspiring others to follow in the process. This course covers these topics: 1. Locating your Leadership; 2. Leading with Courage; 3. The 6 Basic Human Needs.
Whatever It Takes
“Whatever It Takes”© (WIT) is a high-accountability 90-Day program designed to help “get it done”, whatever the “it” is. The power of "the group" and the intense accountability, clarity and focus, has helped men and women finally make that big breakthrough, and accomplish their goals, once and for all.
Holding Space – Wisdom Windfall
This 4-hour Online Workshop is for leaders, group facilitators, managers, executives, and multicultural communications experts who work with diverse groups in large and medium-sized settings. Learn to be fully present with another person so that their experience is central to the moment. Be present in challenge or conflict, without getting “triggered."