What do you get when you add loving-kindness and talents?

You get a refined definition of purpose; to which you contributed by adding perspective, ideas, or affirmation.

Add Loving-Kindness and Talent

Thank you to all who wrote back to me. There are a couple of comments I want to highlight.

Chris Kyle reminded me that he and George Daranyi defined purpose in the Man on Purpose course as “The act of giving my authentic self (my true essence) along with my gifts and talents to the world…in service to something bigger than myself.”

Rev. Dr. Nannette Pierson suggested we slightly change the definition of purpose. Substituting ‘most loving desires’ to ‘most loving kindness’ to incorporate the intention of the Hebrew word, Hesed (Chesed) which is commonly translated to loving kindness. Pierson says hesed is what and who we are as we go forth into the world and make a difference in the lives of our brothers and sisters.

Hit reply – Let me know – I’ll respond.

How do you intend to use your gifts and talents to make a difference in the world?

Purpose Refined

With the addition of loving-kindness and talent the definition of purpose is:

The energetic force, alive in every person; formed by their core values, unique experiences, and most loving-kindness, which propels and serves as a compass directing them to share their unique gifts and talents in service to the world.

What’s Implied

  • I received many valuable comments and responses. One thread was about what is left unsaid in the definition of purpose. Implied in the definition is:
  • When we are living our purpose, we are in service to something larger than our individual wants and desires.
  • Actions that arise from purpose do not intend to harm others.
  • Sharing our unique gifts and talents will likely push us to the edge of our comfort zone, and maybe beyond the edge too.

Out Beyond Our Edge

The blocks to me living my purpose are plentiful. They are almost all internal too. My blocks come from my childhood wounds that created a belief system designed to keep me safe. The beliefs no longer serve me, but they persist.

The belief that I’ve been wrestling with is that I am disposable…and so are other people. The impact is that if I’m disposable, I don’t matter and what I do doesn’t matter. So, why bother.

Hit reply, and let me know what blocks you from living your purpose?

Then I remember what Margaret Mead said, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”

And I keep going.

We all hit blocks when we get out to the edge of our comfort zone. That’s how we know we are near the edge. And where the magic happens.

The New Warrior Breaks Blocks

The ManKind Project’s New Warrior Training Adventure helped me identify and break some of my blocks. Sitting in a circle with other men fundamentally changed how I relate to the people I care about most.

Check out this 15-minute video to see for yourself what I mean, https://vimeo.com/214039938.

If you know someone who could benefit from the New Warrior Training share the video and invitation to the Q & A call that is below.

Ready for a Hero’s Journey?

Join the ManKind Project on Monday, May 22 at 9:00 pm Eastern Time for a 30-45 minute Q & A session to learn about the New Warrior Training Adventure – the most recognized men’s personal development training available.

  • How do I know if I’m ready?
  • What can I expect to get from this experience?
  • What is included in the event?
  • Is there follow-up for after the training?
  • What’s your question? **You can ask anonymously!**

Q & A Call Details – Monday, May 22nd at 9 pm eastern, 6 pm pacific

Dial-in Number (United States): (319) 527-2762

Access Code: 831632

Online Meeting Link: https://join.freeconferencecall.com/mankindproject

Online Meeting ID: mankindproject

International Dial-in Numbers: https://www.freeconferencecall.com/wall/mankindproject#international

Your Hosts for the Call – Michael Russer and John Grote

Michael Russer has served as the program manager for the ManKind Project USA’s online curriculum, including the Man on Purpose 7 Week Course, the RISC Relationship Course, and the Conscious Man Summit with John Gray.

John Grote is an NWTA Outreach Specialist who works with men to help them find the next right step in their personal development journey.

MKP Men from across the country will join Michael and John to share their unique experiences and perspectives on the work!

Live a Bold and Authentic Life
