I saw a man with “We Need Leaders” printed on the back of his jacket. He’s right!

More than ever before, our world needs authentic leaders.

With this is in mind, I’m going to focus on the nine behaviors of courageous leaders over the next few months.

If you are like me, declaring yourself a courageous leader feels scary, brash, and a little egotistical. Fortunately, we don’t have to make that declaration …

All we have to do is show up authentically and:

  1. Hold Ourselves Accountable. Leaders tell on themselves.
  2. Own Our Brilliance, Shadows, and Projections. Leaders bring their whole self.
  3. Be Clear in Our Commitments. Leaders make clear agreements.
  4. Maintain Integrity and Relationship. Leaders are willing to be uncomfortable.
  5. Ask for Feedback. Leaders reap the benefits of feedback.
  6. Continue to Grow. Leaders are a work-in-progress.
  7. Learn About Our Power, Privilege, and Difference. Leaders become advocates.
  8. Be Fully Present. Leaders energize soulful engagement.
  9. Have Fun. Leaders celebrate, play, and have fun.

These nine behaviors of leaders emerged in a conversation between MKP co-founder Rich Tosi and Craig Herink, a Certified NWTA Full Leader and Leader Trainer. It’s through Craig’s teachings that I have been able to build this list which I believe fosters genuine leadership. It’s kind of mind-blowing to have teachers like these men in my life.

I look forward to being on this journey of discovery with you.

In preparation for this nine-part Leadership Challenge email series, I suggest you start a journal or notebook to record your learning and complete the weekly exercises.