Charles B. Maclean, PhDPersonal Mission:

To ignite passion for conscious community give-back.

Action in the World:

Charles’s life-long passion was “championing” (his word) philanthropy in individuals and organizations. This work is summarized in his Website: His credo: “It is through giving and receiving that we discover what matters to us and . . . therefore who we are. We cannot not give and be fully human. I am convinced that much of the pain in the world comes from not giving and the joy comes from giving. Donors don’t have to be convinced to give. We merely have to assist them to identify, honor and dissolve their barriers and act on their giving mission.” He was a founder of the multi-generational Trillium Hollow Co-Housing community, a “family of families” in Portland, Oregon. Charles was also was passionate in his support of basic sanitation rights and dignity for every human being. Those who wish to honor his memory with a donation are encouraged to make donations at