Clive R.A. CheethamPersonal Mission:

I accept, appreciate, and allow to unfold, the world I create as I communicate, connect, and collaborate.

Action in the World:

Clive has dedicated the last fifteen years to creating a ‘learning site’ for natural regenerative agriculture on 22 acres of leased marginal farmland. Clive hosts a bi-weekly ‘Volunteer Farm Day’ when people come to work on the farm for three hours and take home produce and inspiration for their efforts. He is expanding the project to another 60 acres nearby which was formerly used for chemical based agriculture. Clive’s next project is to facilitate the creation of a several hundred acre ‘Collaborative, Natural, Regenerative Agricultural Park’. ! Clive also has been building dugout Hawaiian canoes in his workshop. He has led teams of volunteers through the process from the standing tree in the forest to finished canoe. In 2010 his non-profit organization, Ama, was awarded a Hawaii County Grant to build a canoe for a local Charter School. This canoe is finished and in use.