
Personal Mission:

To live life passionately and to be a resource provider for worthy people and causes.

Action in the World:

After a visit to Cambodia in 2005 Danny and his wife Pam provided funding for a school in a poverty-stricken village. Using personal funds, along with donations from family members and a few friends, the classrooms were built and the school was operational within 60 days. The school was initially planned as a two-room classroom with two teachers and about 60 children, but there turned out to be many more children than originally anticipated. Danny and Pam increased their funding and the school now has three buildings, six classrooms, a library, and seven teachers. The school serves 260 children. The school’s story is featured at Danny and Pam’s website: www.dannypam.smugmug.com. Danny has also served for the past five years as an officer in the Phoenix Kiwanis Club. This club has a 90-year history of serving the Phoenix community with projects and fundraising that focus on the welfare of children.

Read more: http://mankindproject.org/missions/danny-spitler
Read more about the Spitler School at their web site: http://spitlerschool.org/about-us/history/

In 2012 – Danny and Pam Spitler were recognized by the White House’s Champions of Change Awards for their work on the Spitler School in Cambodia and their involvement in Kiwanis of Phoenix. View from 29:15 to see Danny talk about the school. Read more about the Champions of Change Award: http://www.whitehouse.gov/blog/2012/09/20/making-dream-reality