MKP USA in Partnership With


Healing and Transformation for Women and Men. MKP invites you to join us for an experiential workshop designed to open new pathways to healing, respect, intimacy and collaboration between men and women.

Tools for Healing Between
Men and Women

Gender Equity and Reconciliation is a burgeoning new field of transformational healing and reconciliation between men and women. GERI recognizes the profound wound in the human family constellated around cultural conditioning related to gender, sexuality and relational intimacy. The “gender wound” is manifested in myriad forms in virtually every society across the planet. For many participants the result is profound and transformational healing.

Founding Directors
William Keepin, Ph.D.
William is co-founder and Co-Director of Satyana Institute, the Gender Equity and Reconciliation International project and a mathematical physicist with thirty scientific publications on sustainable energy and global warming. Will is author of Divine Duality: The Power of Reconciliation Between Women and Men (Hohm Press, 2007) and other books on spirituality and science.

Rev. Cynthia Brix
Cynthia is an interfaith minister and Co-Director of Satyana Institute, the Gender Equity and Reconciliation International project, and co-founder of the Women’s Spiritual Mastery project. Cynthia is contributing author of Divine Duality: The Power of Reconciliation between Women and Men (Hohm Press, 2007), and co-author of Women Healing Women (Hohm Press, 2009).

Learn more about the Partnership between GERI and MKP USA. “#MeToo to #WeToo – Organizations Partner for Gender Reconciliation

This 3-Day Workshop Will

Develop a vision of a gender healed world & ways to create it
Increase your awareness of how gender identity (assigned or chosen) impacts us.
Gain understanding of your own & other genders experience
Explore your own gender socialization biographically
Understand the gender disharmony in our current culture.
A day of  Holotropic/Integrative Breathwork
   – Achieve a higher connection to yourself and others
   – Increased trust in your own creativity and self-expression
   – Experience a safe, non-ordinary state of consciousness
   – Find greater respect and understanding of others

In-Person Specifications

Duration: 3 Days
Location: Residential
Leadership: Professional Leadership
Pre-Requisites: None – Open to Men & Women

Online Specifications

Duration: 7 weekly live sessions
Location: Online Meetings
Leadership: Professional Leadership
Pre-Requisites: None – Open to Men & Women

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“It was no longer necessary to wall off parts of myself out of a homophobic fear of being too feminine or fear that I would hurt someone if I expressed my masculine sense of power. Within myself, I now feel the inner marriage of the feminine and masculine. There is not a battle going on between my head and my heart. I can actually balance and integrate these two aspects of myself and feel whole.”
— Julien Devereux, Ph.D. Senior GERI Facilitator, Dallas, TX