We are building and supporting the emotionally mature, accountable, and compassionate male role models that our communities so desperately need.

This is men’s community for the 21st Century.

The ManKind Project USA offers a widely recognized and respected men’s weekend, the New Warrior Training Adventure, in 32 locations across the USA. MKP USA also supports a network of peer-facilitated mentoring groups that serve over 10,000 men every week, supporting them to thrive in every aspect of their lives. And the ManKind Project helps men discover and live personal missions of service in the world; working with youth, with women and children, with prisoners, with veterans … and so much more.

Our programs and groups fly in the face of rigid stereotypes about the “Sensitive New Age Man” AND the “Macho Man”. We ask men to go right up to the edge – and beyond it – in a culture that seems to be comfortable with mediocrity and passivity from men. We ask men to stop living a vicarious adventure through their TV’s and step into a real time adventure to win back their passion for life. We ask men to confront the real problems in their lives and to get 100% honest about who they are. Some men have a really hard time doing that. Many of us did too, but we took the risk anyway.

Intention and commitment – What we practice and why.

  • Emotional Authenticity – Because we believe in honesty and wholeness … we practice emotional intelligence and self-awareness. read more …
  • Personal Responsibility – Because we value integrity and accountability … we take 100% responsibility for our feelings, and we own the impacts – both positive and negative – of our choices and actions.
  • Leadership Mastery – Because we believe that role models change lives … we practice highly principled personal, interpersonal, and group leadership.
  • Empowered Mission – Because we value generosity, service, and connection to spirit … we explore and live from our deepest purpose.
  • Supportive Community – Because we care for ourselves and the generations to come … we create a place for men from all walks of life to learn and teach in a safe, respectful, challenging, and inclusive peer-network. read more …

The ManKind Project USA is a registered [501 (c)(3)] nonprofit organization. The ManKind Project USA is not affiliated with any religious practice or political party. We strive to be increasingly inclusive and culturally aware.