Holding Space

This 4-hour Online Workshop is for leaders, group facilitators, managers, executives, and multicultural communications experts who work with diverse groups in large and medium-sized settings.

July 20th from 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM eastern

In today’s polarized environment, we’ve ALL been there: a meeting or event starts out fine, then it happens: divisive comments, difficult conversations, or a hurtful comment occurs and the meeting instantly devolves into a partisan, blaming or shaming affair. Creating discord in the work environment which impacts employee wellness,  productivity, and profitability.

This training will help you:

  • Take Responsibility for Outcomes
  • Hone Your Presentation Skills
  • Prepare for Facilitation Challenges
  • Hold Space for yourself in a clear and clean way
  • Listen to others with curiosity while setting your judgments and opinions aside
  • Be fully present with another person so that their experience is central to the moment
  • Be present in challenge or conflict, without getting “triggered”
  • Maintain the intention of a process without getting sidetracked
  • Practice being graceful in your interventions.

Cost: $295

Day / Time:  July 20th from 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM eastern

$100 Discount for ManKind Project USA friends. 

Click the link to Register!

Facilitation Team

Michael Bonahan is a founding partner of Wisdom Windfall and a contributor to its core-curriculum.  He was the founding national board chair of Boys to Men USA & is a Certified Leader Trainer for the ManKind Project.  He is a certified business-coach; and group facilitator for transformational processes including gestalt, in-utero regression, transpersonal connection, and systemic constellation therapies.  Michael has been the managing partner of more than a dozen successful companies.  He is a co-author and a Lead-Facilitator of the “Holding Space” Training

Rhonda Schladand L.M.T., is a Certified Life Coach has been a somatic healer since 1994.  Trained in Hakomi Psychotherapy and Matrix Group-work, she is a Hellinger Family Constellation facilitator and trainer.  Rhonda has co-developed The Games We Play workshop, which educates people about the Drama Triangle and Creative Group-Work which teaches about the power within a group to heal.  As a co-founder of the Center for Visionary Studies, she has been able to develop and educate how to support change and challenge each other, to live lives of integrity authenticity. She is a co-author and a Lead-Facilitator of the “Holding Space” Training.

Rick Broniec, MEd. has been a consultant, leader, and facilitator in multicultural awareness training since the 1990s.  He is the co-creator and facilitator of two successful multicultural trainings: “Isms & Issues: An Introduction to Multicultural Awareness” and “Power, Privilege, and Difference in the Workplace” (PPDW).  Rick, an internationally published best-selling author, has also written and spoken extensively on the importance of multicultural awareness in organizational success throughout the US and the world. He is a co-author and a Lead-Facilitator of the “Holding Space” Training.

The Holding Space Training by Wisdom Windfall is an approved Affiliate Training of the ManKind Project USA. This program is not produced or hosted by the ManKind Project USA. MKP USA will receive financial support for any registrations we receive. 


Duration: 1 Day, 4 Hour Workshop
Leadership: Professional Leadership


Click here to sign up.
Open to men and women


I liked the 10 steps – well thought out and clear and plan to use them in my facilitation. Haven’t found anything out there for online facilitators with that kind of clarity.

– Mike Merino (Multicultural Facilitator)

I wasn’t sure what to expect besides knowing that I’d be led by fabulous facilitators. This was richer than I could have imagined.

– Amber Jones (Senior-Level Manager)

The experience was so well presented and balanced with large & small group work, teach & sharing, head & heart, I was very pleased.

– Joel Kopischke (Entrepreneur)