A few weeks ago I emailed you about a new MKP course called Living Through Disruption. The first program sold out before I could even get the official word out to you.

The good news – I’m personally leading the second course which starts May 27th. So you know, this is a small group program. There is room for just 10 men. https://livingthroughdisruption.org/.

My co-facilitator will be my friend and warrior brother Brad Bowers. You can check out both of our bios at https://livingthroughdisruption.org/

Living Through Disruption – Navigating Life in a New Frontier is your opportunity to:

  • IDENTIFY which life strategies have served you and which need adaptation
  • EXPLORE sources of strength and direction when the edge of difficulty presents itself
  • ENHANCE your capacity to travel without a map in new territory (descent, grief)
  • EMBRACE disruption to reinvent yourself to create the life of your dreams

Over seven weeks you’ll create a new map that works for you!

Join me and Brad Bowers as we lead your journey of transformation and growth. Wednesday Evenings: (May 27, Jun 3, 10, 17, 24, Jul 1, 8) 7:00 – 9:00 pm eastern

Go Answer the Call

Matt Kelly