MKP USA in Partnership with Illuman


Most men have a longing for the support and guidance of other men in their journey towards masculinity, maturity, and a deeper experience with the divine. Illuman is an organization based on the work of Franciscan monk, teacher, and writer Richard Rohr. MKP USA has partnered with Illuman to offer a program that is deeply healing and grounded in integral spirituality.

Answer the Drumbeat

Opening the door to this journey can start with the Men’s Rites of Passage (MROP) retreat. This retreat can help awaken men to the adventure and mystery of their own masculinity, their deep spirituality, their potential for leadership, and their life’s purpose.

Living a shallow unexamined life is an empty experience. The Journey of Illumination begins with the age-old traditions that teach the five things every man needs to learn before he can fully engage in the adventure and mystery life will bring. MROP opens the door to the adventure.

The retreat is a five-day / four night, deeply prayerful and soulful experience that builds on the classic patterns of male initiation through simple and moving rituals and teaching. Each day includes participating in group prayer, major teachings on central masculine spirituality themes, quiet time for reflection, and sharing in the context of a “home group.”

This is not about religion but about spirituality, about age old traditions that guide us into manhood, about coming to trust that there is something much greater at work in our lives than we could ever imagine.

What the MROP is

A personal discovery about masculine spirituality and ‘the Holy Mystery.’
A time to savor the healing and awesome power of nature.
A process to address issues of loss, grief, and relationships with our father, other men, and others.
An opportunity to examine life’s priorities and ask courageous questions about your ‘next step.’
An invitation to listen to the ‘quiet voice of God.’
A chance to return to life with a renewed commitment to your gifts.


Duration: 5 Days
Location: Retreat Center
Leadership: Professional Leadership
Pre-Requisites: None – Open to Men


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“I was introduced to men’s work and initiation 12 years ago through the ManKind Project (MKP). They do powerful work and I still attend my weekly I-Group, but I wanted to integrate my spirituality. I learned of Richard Rohr seven or eight years ago and then attended an MROP in 2012.”
— Tim Sullivan, Colorado


Men’s Peer-Facilitated Support Groups

Called “Integration Groups” or “I-Groups”, our circles help men deepen skills for conflict resolution, listening, emotional intelligence, goal achievement, and healthy boundary setting. I-Groups help men find and nurture a healthy, powerful and positive masculinity through the daily transitions of modern life. MKP serves a growing network of nearly 1000 peer support groups meeting weekly or biweekly, serving close to 10,000 men. I-Groups form the heart of our brotherhood, and are frequently open to visitors and guests. Find a men’s group: email our outreach team.

Primary Integration Training (PIT)

The PIT is an 8-10 week or 2 day facilitated curriculum for men who have completed the NWTA to learn and practice a variety of skills for effective I-Group participation. Click here for dates and locations (Login Required).

Man on Purpose Course – MOP

A 7-week course designed specifically for men to more deeply explore, discover and claim their purpose and move through resistance to transform their lives and take action in the world. Click here to learn more. Get a FREE Purpose Blueprint eBook.

Power of Purpose Expert Series – POP

Discover your purpose. Ignite a new source of creativity & passion. Become a force for good. In 2014 and 2015, the ManKind Project brought together over 3 dozen expert speakers on living a life of Purpose, Insight and Action. This series is available as a digital download and includes audio and video interviews. Click here to get the Power of Purpose.