“Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply.” – Dr. Stephen R. Covey

What if you were one difficult/uncomfortable conversation away from dramatically changing your happiness and fulfillment?

In episode #005 of The ManKind Podcast, Brandon Clift discusses with Daniel Ellenberg, the President of the Society for the Psychological Studies of Men and Masculinities, the three crucial keys necessary to approach any difficult conversation with courage. 

Who This Episode Is For You If:

  • You’re looking for better ways to approach conflict and difficult conversations.
  • You want to open a healthy dialogue with those you disagree with.
  • You want to find more ways to connect with those you disagree with.

In This Episode You Will:

  • Learn the 3 Courageous Keys to approach every conversation.
  • Hear how these 3 keys can be applied to relationships and the workplace.
  • Why we have a responsibility to focus on resolutions versus making problems and issues worse.

Did You Enjoy Daniel? Here Is How To Find Out More: 

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