Today we’re going to continue our Shadow Series as it pertains to our Intimate Relationships.

International Speaker, Author, and thought leader Michael Russer is a prostate cancer survivor who was left completely impotent as a result of his treatments. Yet, it was because of his impotence that he and his partner discovered an entirely new approach to emotional, physical and spiritual intimacy that far exceeds anything either experienced prior to when things were working “correctly.” His mission is to help men, women, and couples everywhere to achieve extraordinary intimacy on all levels.

Who This Episode Is For You If:

  • You’re looking to find deeper levels of intimacy in your relationships and with yourself.
  • You want to better understand HOW to begin creating intimacy.
  • You want to learn the vast differences between Physical, Emotional, and Spiritual Intimacy.

Find Previous Episodes On The Shadow:

  • A Man’s Guide To Shadow Work | Dr. David Gruder | Ep #027: Listen HERE
  • Childhood: The Origins Of Shadow | Michael Bonahan | Ep #028: Listen HERE
  • Shadow In Relationships | Mark Greene | Ep #029: Listen HERE
  • Deep Dive Into Sexual Shadow | Dr. Joli Hamilton | Ep #030: Listen HERE

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