In Episode #035 of The ManKind Podcast, Brandon interviews Clarity Coaching Institutes Founder, Kathryn Dixon.

Dixon’s work is dedicated to helping people transform challenges, difficulties, and roadblocks into peace, freedom, clarity, power, and joy beyond belief. 

You’re Going To Love This Episode If…

  • You’re looking to get to the truth of why your head leads you astray.
  • You want a simple process to turn around a negative thought/belief.
  • You’re sick of all of the “Gurus” out there putting a paywall between you and the answers you seek.


[5:54] Who has the answers to your life’s story?

[10:45] The Work for Kathryn Dixon inspired by Byron Katie (BK) is ultimately dropping down into your heart for the source of answers. Begins with Dixon’s self-assessment tool “Toxic Waste Dump for Your Mind”

[13:20] 4 Questions to help open your mind and access the truth of who you are.

[16:35] Why Reality is so much kinder than our beliefs about it.

[27:42] The Three Realms of Power.

[34:20] How to turn around the 4 Questions.

Turn around after the 4 questions

[41:45] Why Crisis is a portal to higher ground.

Did You Love Kathryn? Here’s How You Can Find Out More:

  • Clarity Coaching Institute: HERE

Additional Resources:
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐: >>>HERE<<<
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