Amrit Sandhu is an international speaker, podcast host, and founder of the Inspired Evolution. Certified by Eckhart Tolle’s School of Awakening, he is also Mindvalley’s Master Certified Trainer for Australia & India. Amrit delivers keynotes, talks, seminars, and workshops for the Inspired Evolution and Mindvalley in the United States, Europe, Asia, and Australia.

In this episode #041 of The Mankind Project, Amrit shares the pressures growing up from his immigrant parents to get a high-paying job regardless of if he enjoyed it. He also shares how mindfulness and breathwork helped him break free from a 6-year-long depression and showing him his life’s values, passions, and purpose.

Mentored by Eckhart Tolle and Mindvalley Founder Vishen Lakhiani, Amrit now guides others to help them find their purpose in life through his integrative teachings and holistic approach to healing.

You’re Going To Love This Episode if:

  • You’ve been looking for your life’s purpose.
  • You’re looking for tools to overcome a dark period of life.
  • You’re interested in how Breathwork and Mindfulness can aid your journey.

Show Highlights

  • [04:32] Interview Starts

  • [8:07] Amrit’s story of turning his greatest challenge into his gifts.
  • [21:30] Going against the cultural expectation of his parents and his ethnicity, Amrit did the unthinkable and left the “predictable path” of pursuing engineering and chose the path of uncertainty with Life Coaching.
  • [38:11] Amrit’s process for helping people find their purpose in life.
  • [57:13] Amrit Coaches Brandon
  • [1:08:13] BONUS: What it was like being mentored by Eckhart Tolle

Loved Amrit? You Can Find Out More Here:

Inspired Evolution Website:
Amrit’s Youtube Channel: 
Inspired Evolution Channel
Amrit’s Facebook Page: Facebook Page
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