Dr. Warren Farrell has been chosen by The Financial Times of London as one of the world’s top 100 thought leaders, and by the Center for World Spirituality as one of the world’s spiritual leaders.

Dr. Farrell’s books are published in more than 50 countries, and in 19 languages. His most recent, The Boy Crisis, (co-author, John Gray), was a finalist for the Indie book publishing award.

Dr. Farrell has taught at the university level in five disciplines, and appeared on more than 1,000 TV shows, being interviewed repeatedly by Oprah and Barbara Walters, as well as by Peter Jennings, Charlie Rose, and Larry King. He has been featured
repeatedly in Forbes, The New York Times, and The Wall Street Journal.

Dr. Farrell teaches couples’ communication courses around the country and speaks internationally on the global boy crisis, its causes, and solutions.

Together, he and Brandon cover a wide variety of topics that circle back to a very present reality for many young boys in the world… The Absence of a Father/Present Male Role Model.

You’re Going To Love This Episode if:

  • You want a world where boys have positive role models to guide them.
  • You have a son and want to find more ways to be present and supportive in their upbringing.

Loved Warren? You Can Find Out More Here:

  • Warren’s Website: HERE
  • Warren’s Ted Talk: TED
  • The Boy Crisis: Book


  • Join ManKind’s Healthy Warriors: HERE

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