What is the cost of trauma? 

How does it show up in our society as deeply rooted racial and social challenges?

What can we do?

What does our way of handling criminality cost us? 

How much time have you spent thinking about how trauma, the prison system, and the 13th amendment abolishing slavery are related?

This hour long conversation with Samual Nathaniel Brown and Jamilia Land is the most intense episode of the podcast that I have been honored to record.  Both Samual and Jamilia share their different experiences growing up Black in America, how they learned to view the people around them, their parents authority, law-enforcement, social systems. We hear about where this led them, the impacts it has had, and the movements it has led them both to be a part of. 

In the first part of the episode … you’ll hear about the ‘Theory of Emotional Illiteracy Based Criminality’ – what it is, how it came to be, and what we all hope the future might hold for our kids and for society. 

In the second part of the episode … you’ll hear a way of thinking about the Civil War, the end (?) of slavery, the 13th Amendment, and the prison system in California and the United States of America. 

This intense conversation is not from a place of distance … but a look from the inside out … from a man who was an inmate in the California prison system.  At the time of this recording, Samual had been free from incarceration for less than 40 days. And from a woman that has been an activist in helping to end violence and champion human rights for all. 

Listen to this episode only if you’re ready to hear unapologetic voices for change, change in how we raise human beings to be emotionally literate adults, change to the criminal justice system, change to our relationships and how we can heal together, and change to our legal frameworks. 

In Samual’s own words … ‘This is an opportunity for us to evolve in our shared humanity as a collective …’

The Theory of Emotional Illiteracy Based Criminality

Anti-Violence Safety and Accountability Project

You can Donate to ASAP through their website: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/asapmof 

California Abolition Act Coalition
We are working to remove the stain of slavery from California’s Constitution by removing involuntary servitude in all its forms for all Californians.

The Inside Circle Foundation

Recent article about Samual Nathaniel Brown and the work he’s doing

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