One of the great challenges every generation faces is how to guide the next generation to come. But how can you impact the lives of the younger generations when what worked for you doesn’t seem to work for them?

Today we’re joined by Marco Renai, the founder of Men Of Business Academy. An educational institution that focuses on empowering young men with the skills, knowledge and confidence to be happy, healthy, and successful in life after school.

Marco and Brandon dive deep into what it takes to model healthy manhood for younger boys while discussing the nuances involved in defining what it means to “Be a man.” 

This interview is heartfelt, empowering, and at times tragic in the reality of how young boys are taking their lives at alarming rates.

Key Takeaways

  • We can’t tell boys and young men what it means to “Be a man.” We have to SHOW them.
  • The next generation of boys doesn’t always want what you required as a younger man/boy. Meet them where they are at instead of forcing them to fit your mold. 
  • Ways that you can pursue your passion and impact the lives of men and boys.

Loved Marco? Here Is How To Find Out More: 

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