We’re diving deeper into ManKind Podcast Fan Favorite, Dene Maria Sebastiana’s new book Fierce & Tender – Healing The Deep Masculine. Over this 2-part episode, Dene will give you a glimpse into the past 70+ years of how the male psyche has been groomed and policed to where it is today.

By telling his story of growing up on the mean streets of New York City where toughness and a F**k Y*u attitude were necessary for survival to becoming the loving, open-hearted, and fierce men’s work pioneer he is today.

Key takeaways from this episode: 

  • How the post-war era of economic surplus, rock’n’roll, and rebellion set the scene for “manhood” in the latter half of the 20th century.
  • How young boys naturally find connection in the wrong places when their needs aren’t met at home. 
  • How the psychedelic, sexual and feminist movements impacted the psyche of men around their masculinity and manhood. 

Loved Dene? Here Is How To Find Out More: 

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