There are those who talk a big game… And then there are those who get S### done! Ashanti Branch is one of those who would rather let his actions be so deafening that his words aren’t necessary. That’s how much impact Ashanti Branch is having on the lives of young boys and men who find themselves disconnected from their emotions. 

Ashanti combines his 20-year education background with his experiences growing up with a single mother in an urban environment where the only rites of passage were modeled through gang initiations to help marginalized communities raise healthier and more emotionally mature men. 

Key takeaways from this episode: 

  • Regardless of how much self “work” you have done, we all have masks.
  • How our masks may have served us at some point even if they no longer do.
  • Brandon’s current challenges with being an expectant father and how his mask is turning up. 

Loved Ashanti? Here Is How To Find Out More: 

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