In August 2019, HealthLine reached out to the ManKind Project as they were testing a show concept with Omar Davis, “How Are You?

We got together with Omar and hosted a men’s group in New York City to share some of who we are and what we do. Things that stood out were Omar’s willingness to dive right in, and the beautiful work the crew did to capture men’s participation.

Though it seems the series didn’t last, we’re grateful we had the opportunity to talk about MKP and the difference it’s making in men’s lives. 

THANK YOU to those New Warriors who put themselves out there to show the work we’re doing. 

Please share and spread the word.

In service,
Boysen Hodgson
MKP USA Communications & Marketing Director

Transcript from
“How Are You” with Omar Davis

Hey, what’s up? Omar here. And I’m in New York City to speak to a men’s group that specifically focuses on mental health for a lot of us men. It’s really hard to ask for help. We’re told to be tough. Stop crying. Suck it up. And when it comes to mental health, that’s really bad advice. There are great resources out there to help with depression and improve overall mental health.

And today, we’re going to visit one. It’s called the Mankind Project. This group has been around for three decades hosting, training and development of programs specifically for men. Let’s go check out one of their sessions and see what the Mankind Project is all about.

Thank you so much for coming tonight. I want introduce you to Omar. Omar. These are my brothers. This is our I-Group. We’re going to introduce you to the ManKind Project by throwing you into the deep end of the pool. Are you ready?

I’m ready.

Okay, so let’s begin. So I need you guys to stand in one line.

Mankind Project is a nonprofit training and education organization. We do intensive weekend trainings for men that help them really look honestly at their lives and move through obstacles. And we run benefits where any man has an opportunity to be supported, encouraged and challenged.

I want you to know that you’re welcome here. Accepted. The good and the bad of you.

Thank you.

I think that culturally, men get socialized as boys out of actually fully experiencing and expressing their emotions.

You know, it’s okay to show anger, but not sadness. It’s so it show some kinds of aggression, but not fear. And then men tend to reinforce that with each other, like, you know, bro, don’t show that. Keep that stuff hidden. So we provide a practice space for learning to express and work with those difficult emotions.

Mankind project gives me an opportunity on a weekly basis to practice what it is to be a man in the world today and how to be a man of integrity.

Breathe and bring everything here and even the parts that you want us to see.

Any man can benefit from being in a circle of other men where they’re allowed to share the truth of who they are. Men’s work isn’t therapy, but there are some things that can happen in a group that you can never touch in therapy. Whatever I experience, I can share with other men. 

There’s a growing evidence base now for the work that the Mankind Project is doing around isolation, around loneliness, around depression, and especially around depression in men.

And one of the key things that we find is that this kind of work significantly reduces symptoms of depression, increases emotional availability, it increases men’s ability to connect with themselves and connect with others. ~Boysen Hodgson

A lot of times I’m more overwhelmed than I am actually enjoying, and to have a space for men to be able to actually express that. Without any questions. We’re trying to fix the problem. It’s value. Thank you. Very much.

A vision that I have for the community I live in, for my family, for other men, for women, is that it becomes part of our culture to say, hey, you know, where’s your men’s group? Where’s your women’s group? Where’s the group of people that you sit down and really get real with on a regular basis to help you get what you want in life, to help all of us heal some of the deepest problems in our society.

What I see happening is men stepping into their lives in a much more social way. Men being more present with their families. Men being more wholehearted in their careers. That impacts every aspect of our culture.

It’s time to receive some care. And three, two, one … POW!

I’m going to take again. Thank you. This was amazing. This was authentic. It was vulnerable. It was fantastic. These are my new brothers. And I’m so happy for you guys. Thank you very much. And make our project round.