Andrew Banks: “You’re all unrepeatable miracles, why would you not want to be the best you can be every day?”

Ryan Tuckwood, the founder and CEO of the SWISH Sales Method joins Brandon Clift to discuss the importance of having a Motivational North Star in all of your endeavors whether it be in business, relationships and your life.

Ryan is a multiple award winning Entrepreneur responsible for launching the careers of thousands thanks to his SWISH sales method which removes the usual tropes of manipulation and persuasion.

A proud husband and father of two boys, Ryan shares his story of humble beginnings in Leicester, England to securing the investments of three of the five sharks on Australian Shark Tank.

In This Episode You Will Learn:

  • How Ryan has been able to grow and achieve so much in such a short period of time thanks to his motivational north star.
  • Whey being ambitious and mission-driven does NOT have to be detrimental to your family life.
  • The importance of creating a Third Space to relax, rest and recover by connecting with your true self.

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