Dr. Joli Hamilton is an Author and Professor of Psychology at the Institute for Sexuality Education and Enlightenment, where she teaches intimacy and communication skills, kink, and BDSM for educators and therapists.

She joins Brandon for a third time along with her husband Ken, to give us a peek behind the curtains of what a healthy and functioning non-monogamous marriage looks like.  

Having researched Jealousy and Envy, Joli can unpack the seemingly complex and overwhelming world of polygamy, polyamory, and open relating unlike any other.

What you’ll find in this interview is that it continuously circles back to the importance of individuals knowing themselves and how they want to be loved. Whether it’s in a dyadic pair (two people) or with multiple lovers, the lesson remains, you must know how to love yourself in order to be loved the way you want to.

This episode we discuss…

  • There is a misunderstanding of non-monogamous relationships for many people. It’s not just about screwing everybody. 
  • How it is naive to call this a “Lifestyle.”
  • How both Ken and Joli practice and process their relationships with other people.
  • How jealousy and envy become a gateway to deep learning and greater intimacy.

Learn more about Dr. Joli Hamilton:
Visit https://www.jolihamilton.com/