NWTA – Post Weekend Survey Effort

As part of our efforts to keep growing as a recognized leader in men’s trainings, the ManKind Project USA has developed a post NWTA survey track for men who have completed the New Warrior Training Adventure.This survey series will be administered by the ManKind Project USA. We will continue to work with the MKP Research Team (Chaired by Ed Barton) to review and improve on the survey moving forward, and to track results.Results will be used in multiple ways:

  • improve the NWTA experience
  • improve retention efforts
  • improve marketing efforts
  • help with additional curriculum development
  • build a body of data to support grant writing and development efforts

The series will consist of three surveys:

  • 1-2 weeks post NWTA
  • 6 months post NWTA
  • 1 year post NWTA
Surveys will be administered on-line to those men who OPT IN to participation.
A notice asking men to participate will be drafted to include in the standard Sunday packet for the NWTA.
Email invitations to participate will be sent from MKP USA after the weekend with a link to the survey.Anonymous survey data will be made available to the MKP USA research team and members of the MKP USA Staff. Reports will also be made on a regular basis (to be determined) to other constituencies and councils. Our intention currently is to get the survey efforts launched ASAP and to make improvements in the process over the next 3-6 months, based on feedback we receive.We hope that you will encourage and support the men who attend your weekend to participate in our improvement efforts.

You can view the first survey here:
Thank you,
Boysen Hodgson
Marketing & Communications Director