Is it a ManKind Project Sponsored Event?

YES – Use ManKind Project Training and Event Data Submission

The ManKind Project Weekly Summary List is used to announce ManKind Project USA Sponsored and Publicized events. This includes New Warrior Training Adventure, Primary Integration Training, Leadership Trainings, Integration Group Training, MultiCultural Training, Community Events, and others. To submit data for your upcoming ManKind Project USA Sponsored Event, go here. (login required)

NO – Use ManKind Project USA Network Promotion

The ManKind Project USA accepts a limited amount of paid advertising through a dedicated service called ‘Network Promotions.’ Network Promotions receive the following benefits:

  • DEDICATED EMAIL BROADCAST: A dedicated broadcast email on the Network Promotions opt-in email list. The ManKind Project USA uses a commercial marketing platform to deliver messages (Open and Click-through rates Available). Posts to MKP Network Promotion will be delivered as they are received, scheduled in a way that will not negatively impact delivery through other lists, and will most effectively promote your event.
  • UPCOMING EVENTS PAGE LISTING: All Network Promotion Listings will be included as Events in the MKPConnect Community Portal on a dedicated Upcoming Events listing page (login required). Includes all relevant information from the Network Promotion listing.
  • WEEKLY SUMMARY: MKP Network Events are also included as line items with links to the live event listing in the weekly summary Upcoming Events email from the time of listing until the event has passed.

HOW MUCH DOES IT COST?: $250 per Network Promotion Listing

See the complete posting details below.

Network Promotion is primarily used to announce personal development workshops, trainings, or events designed to foster personal, spiritual, physical, emotional, or social development. The Network Promotions list is not used to promote individual coaching practices or book / music releases. Network Promotions are Paid Advertisements and receive a single dedicated email Broadcast, an Event in the ‘Upcoming Events’ listings as well as a line item listing in the weekly Upcoming Events Listing. All Network Promotions must be in line with MKP USA Mission and Values, and in line with MKP USA Policies and Procedures.

Posters must agree to the MKP USA Terms of Use and Waiver. The ManKind Project USA does not endorse or approve Network Promotions. The ManKind Project USA may, for any reason, refuse to list Network Promotion Events or post Network Promotion messages. Network Promotions may not imply any direct endorsement by the ManKind Project or the ManKind Project USA. All Network Promotion transmissions must include appropriate disclaimers. See text on instruction page below.

To post a Network Promotion:

  1. Make a $250 payment for your MKP USA Ad. Visit 
    Log in as username: broadcast and password: payment. Please follow the instructions. You will receive a receipt via email.
  2. Add the appropriate disclaimer to the head of your announcement.  See text below.
  3. Email your announcement to:
  4. Best Practices for Network Promotion Ads
    1. Simple, Colorful, Text Only advertisements seem to work best. Include all \relevant information about your event, including contact information, pricing, dates, and locations. There is a 1 Megabyte limit on the overall size of the posting. We cannot post ‘Image Only’ flyers to our list – as they are often rejected as SPAM by our marketing software. Smaller images and logos are welcome. Fully formatted HTML and RTF (Rich Text) is welcome.
    2. Regarding Corrections: The ManKind Project is not responsible for errors in the ad copy that we distribute.  If you have any questions about posting your advertisement contact Boysen Hodgson at

Network Promotions “Disclaimer Text” 

“The following information is being forwarded to you by the ManKind Project USA as a service to you and to the sender. While these services may be excellent, the advertiser is not formally affiliated with the MKP USA and we make no endorsement of their offer.”

This procedure reproduced from: