My fears make your kind words and thoughtful responses that much sweeter. Thank you! I appreciate the responses I received when I asked for your help defining purpose.

Every time my finger is poised to hit the “send button,” I hesitate. Paralyzed by the thought of ridicule, angry responses, and rejection. I bet you know the familiar feelings that come right before getting out of your comfort zone too.

Hit reply. Tell me about a time you took action at the edge of your comfort zone.

Words of Purpose

I love words. Maybe it’s because I’m dyslexic and reading was difficult for me. I created a word cloud to illustrate what you said to me about purpose.


Definition of Purpose

With your input and my internal and external searching here’s the definition that emerged for me.

Purpose is the energetic force, alive in every person; formed by their core values, unique experiences, and most loving desires for humanity, which propels and serves as a compass directing them to share their unique gifts in service to the world.

Refine Purpose

Writing a definition of purpose is a collaborative process for me. Let’s refine it. What would you change, add to, or delete from this definition of purpose?

Hit reply and let me know your thoughts.

The Blocks

When I was reading, and rereading, this explanation of purpose a question came to me. What might be blocking the flow of this energetic force from reaching its full potential in me and you?

I can see that over the next couple of weeks I’ll be thinking about what blocks us. That, along with a refined definition of purpose will be the topic of the next On Purpose conversation.

Live A Bold & Authentic Life!


Matt Kelly, ManKind Project