Jim Channon was a valued member of the Hawaii community. Jim, who was a a retired U.S. Army lieutenant colonel, new age futurologist, and business consultant, lead an extraordinary life that was in part documented in the semi-biographical movie Men Who Stare at Goats.Image may contain: 1 person

Jim is remembered by Forrest Arnold, an Elder in the MKP Hawaii Community, “Here’s to my Wonderful Friend Jim Channon who left us yesterday Sept 10…Suddenly his spirit took flight…with brother Peter Beemer at his side…. Spock would say to people “Live Long & Prosper…” That’s what Jim had done…a wonderful confidante and merry-maker in my life for these last many years… Good voyage, Colonel James Brooke Channon! With Love & Respect…your friend, Forrest…”

Tom Kelley, a New Warrior in New York, commented “Jim Channon … died walking his bioasis in Hawaii with two of his closest friends (probably in the middle of an amazing verbal cascade of acquired knowledge and poetic insight from a life well lived).

Jim was a friend and mentor who positively influenced many of us on our Thursday night Virtual Men’s Groups. I am deeply saddened to hear of his passing but more of my tears are from having the chance to get to know him at all. He was brilliant, giving, dynamic, and authentic to the bone. He combined and advocated competence and outrageousness like no one else. He leaves behind a treasure trove of teachings on channonarchive.com. ” (Check out the New Earth Army!)

Jim can be heard talking about MKP with Carl Griesser and George Daranyi.