Roy MarsdenPersonal Mission:

I create a healed and loving world by healing myself and being open-hearted and completely present with all beings.

Action in the World:

For many years Roy has been a member of the Cambridge, WI EMT, going out on untold numbers of calls, helping people in distress, saving some and loosing others. His dedication and passion to service motivated him in his 50’s to take several years of course work preparation, prior to applying and being accepted in the Physician’s Assistant program at the University of Wisconsin. After two years of additional course work and clinic practicum, Tory entered an active practice at the Watertown WI Regional Medical Center. Along with his full schedule, Roy continues to serve with the Cambridge EMT. He also has served as the “Doc” on NWTA’s. As a warrior healer Roy exhibits some of the best of what a mission driven life can be.