Welcome to this new column on MKP USA, The Soul of the Work.

My name is Ed Gurowitz, Elder Bear, initiated Camp Augusta (CA) in 2014. I’m a declared elder and while relatively new to MKP, I’ve been engaged in personal development work for most of my life.

My mission is “I create a world where everyone is treated fairly by empowering the young through my heart and spirit.”

My purpose in writing these columns is to deepen our mutual appreciation of the work of MKP USA and to bring a new understanding of the value that MKP USA provides, not instead of, but in addition to the value of the Area Centers, the Communities, and our I-Groups and programs.

The Purpose/mission of MKP USA goes beyond NWTA weekends and I-groups. MKP USA’s vision is to create a world where men act on their individual and shared responsibility for the future of humanity. We do this by training men and supporting them in circles, and by promoting the principles of mature (healthy / conscious) masculinity. These principles include heart, empathy, accountability, purpose, and service, and in that context, we present or sponsor trainings in intercultural competency to confront, be accountable for, and hopefully operate senior to our collective or cultural shadows. We also host gateway NWTAs for men in target groups and groups that are under-represented in our ranks.

Over the coming weeks, we will be publishing a series of these short columns on a variety of issues in which MKP as an organization and MKP brothers are engaged. Topics will include multiculturalism, inclusionary leadership, engaging other men in mature masculinity, power vs. force, spirituality, the symbols of the NWTA, and many more.

The purpose of these columns will be threefold: to educate and awaken, to provoke thinking and discussion, and to strengthen the bonds between MKP USA the organization and the brothers who are the heart and soul of the MKP mission.

Your comments or responses to these columns are more than welcome, as are your suggestions for topics. One of the intended outcomes of the columns, to be fully transparent, is to make you more aware of MKP USA and its activities, in addition to your participation in your local communities. It’s possible that some of the discussions you read here could form the basis for a focused I-Group meeting or they might move you to bring a training to your area. Everything you bring to reading these columns is welcome.

Ed G.

Ed G.

Look for the first column next week.

Out with Gratitude,
Ed Gurowitz