Robert MaussPersonal Mission:

I create a safe and compassionate world by remembering my light and seeing your’s.

Action in the World:

Since his initiation, Steven has been actively living his mission in the world. He has created a virtual “blessing circle” where anyone desiring light shined on them can receive. Steven has staffed a number of Prison Truth Project weekends and has begun the groundwork to establish a weekend and ongoing presence at the Fox Lake WI Correctional institution. He most recently served with the Pastor of the Dane County WI Jail, ministering to men in that venue. A number of years ago, Steven received training to become part of the Hospice Care program and has spent many hours with people in their last stages of life, providing comfort to them and their families. Steven has been for many years connected with the Sufi Community and within that connection has been part of the Universal Dances for Peace. He has also been part of the Energy Healing Community in Madison, WI, has and does offer personal and group healing experiences.