A Culture of Healthy Manhood

A Culture of Healthy Manhood

Have the Conversation. Do you want to see a world where Manhood is celebrated as a nurturing and generative force? Do you want to be part of a living evolving culture where boys and girls are offered healthy, empowering, and liberating models of manhood and womanhood? Where the restrictive socialization of our collective past is replaced by the freedom of full expression. 

In order to have that world, we must be the men and women doing the work to build it. Men and women fully committed to healing ourselves and supporting each other in purpose-driven action. 

Supporting the ManKind Project USA through Membership is a step toward a healthier world. It’s an action you can take to help heal our families, communities, and our world. Invite men and women in your life to join you as a Member of MKP USA.

Membership is for everyone! Learn more. Membership comes with a number of perks, but the reason to join is to support healthy masculinity, supportive community, and a more loving and just world for all.

Latest from the MKP USA

Commitment to Community in Greater Carolinas and the Southeast

ManKind Podcast Episode for WNC Thank you to all who have given to the GoFundMe - supporting people on the ground in hard-hit areas around Asheville. As of this morning, Oct. 17, the campaign has gone over $15,000. Every donation will go directly to those in need.  My...

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Safer Circle and Community Initiative

This edition of the Connection is reminding us about safety agreements on V-Groups and Emails. We each have the responsibility to co-create healthy list-serves, to protect our privacy, and to respect our inboxes.  Learn more about the Safer Circle Initiative here.  Read a recent reminder from MKP USA about our Email List-serve Policies

Featured Volunteer Opportunity

Want to help? Volunteer your time and talent. Featured Volunteer Opportunity: Facebook Giving Champion to support our New Warrior Brothers with Facebook giving campaigns.

Support Services Updates

Information from the MKP USA Support Services Team – from Areas & Circles, Finance, Curriculum,  Marketing, Organizational Development, Equitable Community Initiative, and more. MKPConnect Login Required.

MKP USA Support Meetings

You’re Invited. In a Role and need support? Want to connect with a society or get more involved? Monthly meetings open to New Warriors from across the country. Enrollment, Admins, Finance Coordinators, Community Coordinators and more.

A New Opportunity for Men

The Men’s Work: 3 wk. Course! We have launched a BRAND NEW curriculum for men who have never participated in men’s work before. It’s a 3 week program designed for men looking to make a change and get connected. We’ve now shared the program with 12 groups of 12 men each – with INCREDIBLE results! Learn more about it. 

Celebrating Our Success

ManKind Project Helps Men Break Free of Isolation and Share

ManKind Project Helps Men Break Free of Isolation and Share

There’s actually a growing evidence base now for the work that the Mankind Project is doing around isolation, around loneliness, around depression. And one of the key things that we find is that this kind of work significantly reduces symptoms of depression, increases emotional availability, it increases men’s ability to connect with themselves and connect with others. ~Boysen Hodgson

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See more celebration stories. Submit your inspirational story: celebration@mkpusa.org

Opt In MKP USA Broadcast Lists

If you’re not on any of the MKP USA Broadcast Lists – You’re missing out. Join one or join all.

  • Weekly Event Summary: 1/week. MKP trainings, events, & NWTA Staffing Opps.
  • Network Promotions: 2-4/week. Partnerships and Promotions of interest to New Warriors.
  • Broadcast USA: 1-2/week. Latest MKP USA information and Important Announcements.
  • Check In!: 1/month. Inspirational Newsletter about MKP & New Warriors in Mission!
  • On Purpose News: 2/month. Useful and Inspirational Info on living a life of purpose.