Tom DalyPersonal Mission:

I foster the dance of heart and soul to build a more just, joyful, and sustainable world.

Action in the World:

Few men in the nation have had a longer or more committed life in men’s work than Tom. Directly and indirectly Tom has touched the lives of thousands of Youth, Men and Women. Since the mid 1970’s Tom as devoted his life particularly to awakening and supporting boys, men, and elders in their authenticity & wholeness.

He has a Masters degree in counseling and psychology and a PhD in Men’s Studies – Healing Men and Manhood through Co-created Rites of Passage, and is a published author on men’s issues. Tom is a frequent contributor to Men’s Council Journal, Wingspan, Man! Magazine, and has had feature articles in Harper’s, Newsweek, and The Denver Post.

In 1976 Tom founded the Denver Area Men’s Network and was a national pioneer in forming and leading men’s groups (a process he has continued for 37 years.)

He began leading men’s Vision Solos in 1983 and men’s Retreats and Spirit Camps in 1985 and has continued to the present. He has presented these programs in California, Colorado, Illinois, Massachuesets, Michigan, Maryland, New Mexico, North Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and in Winnepeg and Vacouver, Canada.

He has been the Director and teacher at the Center for Men’s Studies, Denver, CO; a teacher at The Naropa Institute and the Boulder Graduate School and has a private therapy practice devoted mainly to working with men in Denver & Boulder, CO.

In 1988 Tom founded the Men’s Council Project, an organization dedicated to creating a more just, joyful and sustainable world through healing the hearts and souls of men. In 1991 he co-founded the Men’s Leadership Alliance and led annual week-long wilderness initiation retreats for 25 years.

He underwent his NWTA in 1991 at Haimo Woods, Wisconsin. Shortly after that Tom co-created the Inner King Training and Inner Sovereign Trainings and has led each Training since 1991 – having initiated over 400 men and more than 50 women. He has co-lead retreats with Robert Bly; created men’s leadership and mentoring programs; created and taught the 4 Gateways Coaching Process (based on the king, warrior, magician, lover archetypes); created and taught Elder Initiation Weekends; the Men’s Year to Live Process; has been a presentor at five MKP Elder and USAGE gatherings; and is an active member of the Colorado MKP community and the Colorado MKP Elder Council.