From David Bauerly, Chairman of MKP-USA


We are at a historic moment. I hope you have your name on the list of nearly 500 men, and centers, who have helped us to raise $400,000.00. Men from every single center have invested in our future.

The number Monday was $ 302,424.
The number Tuesday was $ 323,920.
The number Wednesday was $ 338,358.
The number Thursday @ 00:01 AM was $ 354,321.
The number Thursday @ 12:01 PM was $ 362,226.
The number Thursday @ 5:00 PM was $ 369,726.
The number Thursday @ 7:00 PM was $ 378,998.
The number Thursday @ 9:00 PM was $ 386,264.
The number Friday @ 2:00 AM was $ 394,776.
The number Friday @ 5:00 PM was $ 397,396.
The number Saturday @ midday was $ 398,141.
The number Sunday @ 1:00 PM is $ 401,126

Take the opportunity now to get your name on the list of men who are saying yes.
Don’t miss the chance to be part of this …. $5, $50, $100. It is up to you.
If you don’t, you will wish you had! This the REBOOT of MKP-USA !!
CLICK HERE –> https://mkpusa.org/ftp/fund-the-plan-2011-consolidation-and-expansion/

We have received a donations from $1 all the way up to our largest one time donation in our very young 15 month history, $50,000.00. We needed to receive $100,000.00 in new money within a 10 day window to qualify for that 50K, and you made it happen.

This story will be told, the names will be put down into our history, about how a group of very different men started the REBOOT. About when we moved the organization out of its adolescence.

Once we go over 400K we will close out this portion of our fundraising. This is the start of our change, the trigger point to begin to hire key personnel. We hope that a new Executive Director will sign a contract very soon. Next, we look to the work that will lay a solid 5 year financial foundation for our newly revived organization. We will being the process of Structuring for Sustainability. We will do our best to continue to provide you with information about our growth and change in these exciting and challenging times.

I feel something new inside of me. I believe at a deeper level that big changes can happen. That a group of committed men can move forward, even with some around them saying, “you will never do that”. A committed, group of determined men with a good idea made this new beginning happen.

I did not make this happen. WE made this happen.

You will have only a day, perhaps just a few hours to get your name on the list. We are making history. I am fairly certain Monday we will make the final announcement, so if you are going to get on this train, hop on now.

Thank you to all the men and women who made this happen.

David Bauerly
Chairman, MKP-USA