Are you allergic to being criticized?

With platforms like podcasting, Amazon books, YouTube, Facebook the ability to share your purpose message has never been easier. No longer do we have to wait to be given a radio show, picked to be on TV, or recognized by a publisher. That is a fantastic change!...

What is your single biggest challenge?

Over the next few weeks I’d like to do something a bit different. I thought it would be fun to ask you what you want to learn about regarding living your purpose. If you could take 5 minutes and tell me what is the single biggest challenge that you’re...

Your purpose is about giving, not getting

In the last Purpose Newsletter, I asked: “What’s your #1 single biggest challenge with living your purpose right now?” I was flooded with responses. Thank you! “I know my purpose, but I’m not living it.” Because I need to make money to support the people who...

The Rider & The Elephant

In the last Purpose newsletter, I was asking you to make a change. Making a lasting change, takes time, effort and focus. You need to learn and practice new patterns of behavior. Changing behavior can be so hard because our minds are controlled by two different...