Bob Oser

I’m in love with the work MKP-USA and MKPI does. “Creating a safer world by growing better men” is a noble purpose I’m proud to be associated with. And, as you know, “we do this by training men and supporting them in circles.” This method of growing better men seems so natural to me now, having been in this work since October of 2002.

MKPI’s vision, in part, “is a safe world where all men are brothers, in relationship with one another and where men are fully accountable and take responsibility for their decisions.” This vision is also noble and allows men to become “deeply committed to nurturing one another, their families, their communities and their planet.”

So what do we have to do if “our goal within 30 years is to train a million men around the globe and build a body of men a million strong sitting in MKP-related Circles all over the world?” So what do we have to do if “within the next 5 years we want to develop a sustainable business model that funds a professional staff, training programs for men of all ages in all walks of life, R&D, scholarships and a permanent MKPI endowment of at least $10 million?”

The MKP-USA Executive Team (E.T.) and the Council have been discussing just these visions and goals. These two groups have established committees looking at such areas as Membership, Development, Finance, Audit, HR, Enrollment, Planning, Structure, and Curriculum. We have been looking at what is occurring today as well as what needs to change if the above mentioned visions and goals are to be accomplished.

Earlier this year we started changing by completing the incorporation of MKPI and the name change from MKP to MKP-USA, thus officially creating the U.S. Region. The Alumni Consulting Team from Stanford University recommended sweeping changes for MKP-USA focused on both reorganization and professionalization. These concepts have been approved in principle by the E.T. and the Council. Both groups are well aware that the reorganization will need to be done in such a way that it will establish a stable financial base for growth. It’s axiomatic that we need more than one revenue stream if we want to grow and I think a truly professional development (fundraising) person will more than pay for himself.

In addition to our traditional revenue stream from the New Warrior Training Adventure, MKP-USA has adopted and already rolled out a voluntary membership program and started a database called SalesForce to track this membership. An invitation for men in the U.S. to become members of MKP-USA is in the mail to 26,000  mailboxes. If you want to see our work of creating a safer environment spread over the U.S. become a member. If you can see your way to financially do so, I encourage you to become a charter lifetime member of MKP-USA. In addition, MKP-USA is working on an improved chairman’s campaign as well as additional training revenue streams.

MKP-USA has already adopted a Center Financial Controls Policy which advocates the use of QuickBooks Pro and a Uniform Chart of Accounts for financial reports sent to the U.S. Region. An expense Reimbursement Policy has been adopted and a part time bookkeeper has been hired to assist our CFO with MKPI and MKP-USA finances. Assets of MKP were divided based on a percentage of revenue for 2009 and 78.7 percent went to MKP-USA and 21.3 percent to MKPI.

We are also discussing how to secure a professional marketing person who will build the MKP brand in the world so everyone knows what MKP does and what we offer men who join our organization. This person will also establish communication systems which will inform and educate all our members. We are looking as well at how to reorganize MKP-USA and upgrade our staff so as to have a better opportunity to accomplish the goals the Stanford advisers suggested to us.

Each month the constituency council groups (the Multicultural Council, the I-Group Council, the Leader Council, the Elders and LKS) report in to the MKP-USA Council on what they are working on and what they hope to accomplish in 2010.

Yes, we are looking at a lot of things and doing a lot in many portfolio areas. And, creating a safer world by creating better men takes a lot of time and hard work. But, it is noble work. If you want to assist in this wonderful work, call David Bauerly or me and we can get you involved. Blessings to all of you on your journey,

Bob Oser
Vice Chairperson MKP-USA