#NewWarrior Brandon Peele, who helped teach MKP USA’s  Man on Purpose course with Chris Kyle, has published a new book, “Planet on Purpose: Your Guide to Genuine Prosperity, Authentic Leadership and A Better World.” The book is a bestseller on Amazon!

Brandon is also an active staffer on New Warrior Training Adventures and leads the MKP approved online purpose program, the Global Purpose Expedition. Brandon says that in reading the book “men will be led through the science of purpose and discover that it is the key to a life they love and a fulfilling career. They’ll leave with an understanding of the journey, and a vision for what humanity looks like when we’re all on purpose and in a circle.”

From the foreword by #NewWarrior Tim Kelley ”Why another book on purpose? The answer is simple: this is the most comprehensive book on higher purpose ever written. Most books on the subject are either about someone’s personal story of finding his or her own purpose or inspiring examples of other people or organizations live theirs.”

“This book is entirely different. Brandon has surveyed the entire landscape of purpose methodologies… He incorporates the best practices from different schools of thought about purpose into a singular journey that you will take to find and manifest your purpose.”

“Brandon has compiled the very best thinking and techniques for finding your purpose in this book, I am keenly aware of the low odds that any of my readers will do the exercises that I assign them in my book; Brandon has solved that problem by coupling his book with an online program.”

Brandon completed the New Warrior Training Adventure in Northern California in September of 2005. Brandon says of MKP “MKP is and has been the baseline of my journey. It’s allowed me to keep distinguishing the shadow that sabotages my purpose. And I hold circle work and purpose work to be very complimentary. What better way to more fully live your purpose than in community with other men who are trained and committed to calling you on your shit? I refer to men’s and women’s work throughout the book, consulted with a number of brothers on it, such as Chris Kyle and Bill Kauth, and donated 50% of the royalties to MKP in the first week of sales and 10% thereafter.”

From Forbes

Brandon’s work was featured by Forbes recently.

From the Forbes article: “My mission is to create a global political economy and culture that empowers every one of us to discover our purpose,” Peele says. He leads courses and training seminars and coaches executives on discovering their life purpose and leading with it in their careers. He also is part of the Global Purpose Leaders (GPL), a group of 90 practitioners around the world who are committed to moving the purpose conversation forward in business, education, religious and political circles.

If you are like 87% of the global workforce, according to a 2014 Gallup survey, then your career isn’t your deepest passion, most creative expression, or highest contribution. Brandon wants to change that.

“Imagine a purpose guide in every community. Imagine everyone loving their work. Imagine the global workforce being four times more engaged and five times more productive! ” says Peele, co-author of Purpose Rising and author of Planet on Purpose. Those are just a few of the positive impacts that might be felt worldwide if people connected their passion with their careers.”

Brandon believes that “purpose is the most interesting and important conversation on the planet right now.  Imagine if we took the 87% of the global workforce that is disengaged and turned them on to their higher purpose.  What kind of planet would we have?”

Peele’s Four Phases for Discovering Your Life Purpose. (from Forbes article)