
November 2018 The Newsletter of the 
ManKind Project USA. 
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Much to be grateful for. Thank you.

The ManKind Project is buzzing. This ‘Men’s Work‘ that we love so deeply, is seeing more engagement and excitement than we’ve ever experienced. Many of us are dedicating our lives to making a difference. And we are.

This ‘Check In!’ is dedicated to the tremendous work that is happening within and around MKP. Celebrate with us.

May we all know our gifts – and share them fully. ~ Boysen

“I am so blessed to be connected to a community of amazing, breathtaking, beautiful humans, who through our common work alongside all my ManKind Project Brothers, truly change the world, one man, one being at time.”

A note from Nicklin Heap – who took the photo above. 


MKP on Netflix

We brought together a group of men 
to show what we do …

In May 2018, producers from Buzzfeed Media reached out to the ManKind Project to be part of a new series called ‘Follow This.’ The series includes a wide range of topics, from ASMR videos, to African American Survivalism, from Safe Injection Sites for opioid addicts, to Men’s Rights.

A group of intrepid adventures from Metro NY Tri State, New England, and Philadelphia came together with a camera crew and reporter, Scaachi Koul, from Buzzfeed to talk about – and to do – men’s work together. MKP is featured as a response to negative expressions of manhood – a place for men to do their emotional work.

The Show Launched in August (Season 1: ‘Men’s Rights’ Episode) and continues to bring recognition and new connections for the ManKind Project.

Quick Takes on 2018

  • 10% Increase in Enrollment
  • Open Men’s Groups Expanding
  • Communities Expanding
  • Global Regions Expanding
  • Equitable Community Growing
  • Record Breaking Membership
  • Increasing Public Recognition
  • New Entry Point – the Men’s Work
  • New Partnerships – COR, Next Step, Gender Equity & Reconciliation

MKP in British GQ was linked in an article called “The What’s App Trap” in this month’s 30th Aniversary “State of Men” edition of British GQ. The article is about online behaviors of men that frequently center sexism or machismo over connection or community.

“… Lloyd-Elliot suggests joining The ManKind Project, the male community aiming to ‘return to the brotherhood community of men’ by supporting a network of men’s groups meeting across the world. Boysen Hodgson, The ManKind Project’s communications director, says one of the organisation’s mantras is ‘I’ll go first’, which encourages men to share their feelings first, so that others will follow.”

“Hyper-competitive performative banter is a gambit to feel significant or powerful in places where weakness isn’t viewed as acceptable,’ says Hodgson. ‘All men have weakness. Men have deep emotions and are longing to express something real.”

See the article.


MKP in Vice / Broadly

The ManKind Project was featured in a personal testimonial in an article called “Inside the Movement to Reprogram Masculinity.” The article covers a broad range of efforts to build healthy masculinity, analyzing what’s widely called ‘toxic’ expression of masculinity.

After connecting with the ManKind Project, Nathan, who is featured in the article, “learned to study his feelings and figure out exactly where they were coming from, he says. He was also given tools to conduct proactive check-ins with himself and taught how to de-escalate his anger.”

“It took a lot of self-reflection to understand how I’d been projecting my frustrations about my home life onto [Mandy],” he says. “I’d always known things like taking responsibility and doing emotional work could be facets of masculinity, but putting them into practice in my own life completely changed how I related to my family.”

It’s encouraging to see the ManKind Project getting more positive press!

Read the article. 


The Better Man Conference

For the third year – and now on both coasts – the ManKind Project USA was proud to sponsor the ‘Better Man Conference,’ a one day event to bring teams from corporations together to talk about the work of engaging men as healthy leaders and allies in the workplace.

This year, MKP USA was represented in San Francisco and in New York. The Inclusionary Leadership Group, which hosts the conference, is a partnership that includes Ray Arata and Ed Gurowitz, both New Warriors, and Dale Thomas Vaughn. The ManKind Project was brought into the conversation from the main stage a number of times.

The conference in New York was preceded by a Monday night screening of “The Mask You Live In,” (featuring New Warrior Ashanti Branch) hosted at the A+E Network and sponsored by UN Women and the #HeforShe campaign.

Learn More / See Photos

Men’s Work in Men’s Health Mag 

Fantastic piece about Evryman, an organization that arose partly from men’s work being done in Sandpoint, ID with New Warrior Owen Marcus. (See the film, ‘About Men‘) Dan Doty, who cofounded the organization with Sascha Lewis and Lucas Krump, is a powerful presence for the work of healing men’s souls. The ManKind Project gets a nice mention in the piece. #Menswork and #Healingmasculinity; we’re all about it.


It’s Time for Tribe

Bill Kauth and Zoe Alowan Bring Tribe to Life.

Bill Kauth is one of the co-creators of the New Warrior Training Adventure, a cofounder of the ManKind Project, and our ‘Visionary at Large.’ The following is a note from Bill on his mission with Zoe Alowan …

Here’s a sense of what we’re doing: Being an MKP man you remember your relationships from before the NWTA. Then in I-Group you likely learned very quickly, that with some skills, structure and commitments your friendships went to a new level.

That’s exactly what we’re now doing for communities of men and women. We call it “New Tribe” and teach the skills, structures and commitments needed to take personal community to a new level of connection and belonging. It becomes family; secure and enduring!

Can you imagine: “Sister/brother tribes” all over the world?

Here’s what you can do: Please help us with our Indiegogo crowd funding to create a home study on-line course. Go to the link, study our work (lots of hot links), pick a perk, offer a gift and we’ll stay in touch.

Brother love,
Bill (& Zoe too)


the Cammies and Canines Ranch

Something magical is happening outside San Diego.

Cammies and Canines has entered a new phase of the hero’s journey. Kalani Creutzburg and the Cammies and Canines crew of veterans were recently gifted a 289 acre site outside San Diego to train dogs and work with homeless vets. They are housing and helping vets, rescuing animals, and in addition, MKP is hosting NWTAs there! 

Jamie Edmonds had this to say about what’s happening … “You need to come experience the wonder of this new MKP site for yourself, brother. It is pure MAGIC, and the work Kalani and his team of amazing men and women are doing is nothing short of a miracle in today’s world of “I got mine, and to hell with the rest”. True servant leadership and modeling the “Not I” in action. <3″

We’ve written about Cammies and Canines before. Recently, we interviewed Kalani about his involvement in the ManKind Project. New video on the story page!

“MKP gave me permission, for the first time in my life, to touch my feelings. I learned how to give words to my emotions. I shed tears that were locked inside for so long. I let out years of anger without harming anyone else, and each time I saw myself in a mirror. I felt like a monster for so long but the reflection in the mirror was a scared little boy that needed a voice.” ~Kalani

A Proud Fierce Papa Bear


Bill Konigsberg has long been a man with a fierce purpose for his life. He’s an award winning Young Adult (YA) fiction author who writes poignant, powerful, and hopeful stories about LGBTQ youth. “Out of the Pocket,” “Openly Straight,” “Honestly Ben,” “The Porcupine of Truth,” and his latest, “The Music of What Happens,” have all garnered critical acclaim, including a Lambda Literary Award and the Stonewall Prize for fiction.

Recently while attending a national conference on Young Adult fiction – Bill was called to stand up for youth in a very powerful way. And he did it with New Warrior clarity. This is a story worth sharing.

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ManKind Project, USA PO Box 383 Kaysville, Utah 84037 United States (800) 870-4611

ManKind Project, USA PO Box 383 Kaysville, Utah 84037 United States (800) 870-4611