The ManKind Project USA launches a campaign for men stepping up in response to the #MeToo movement.

#IAmResponsible reflects the ManKind Project’s commitment to our values of accountability, integrity, authenticity, generosity, respect, multicultural awareness, leadership, and compassion, and reflects the MKP USA mission statement:

“MKP USA creates a world where men act on their individual and shared responsibility for the future of humanity by initiating and supporting men on a path of emotional maturity, spiritual awareness and deepening community.”

It also reflects the Institutional Stand Against Abuse that MKP took in 2009.

#IAmResponsible takes a stand, that as men committed to individual and collective evolution, we take responsibility for creating the society we want to live in and share for the generations to come. We are responsible for the GOLD and the SHADOW of masculinity, for the gentleness, fierce caring, and protection, AND for the abuse, violence, and domination. We are responsible as creators and as role models. We are responsible as victims and as perpetrators. We recognize the pervasive systemic factors that promote abuse of power and teach harmful gender roles to both boys and girls.

A number of #NewWarrior men have written about this subject, including MKP USA’s current and past Chairmen.

Thank you to the New Warriors who have stood up in support of women and men saying #MeToo. Thank you to those men who have shared their own #MeToo stories. Thank you to those men and women who have taken ownership of the ways they have participated in the culture of harassment, abuse, and objectification the movement is calling out. We are committed to creating a culture of healthy masculinity. We are committed to changing the world, one man at a time.

Boysen Hodgson
MKP USA Communications & Marketing Director