
September 2018 The Newsletter of the 
ManKind Project USA. 
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Every Day Can Be Suicide Prevention Day

Suicide is epidemic. We can help prevent it. September 10 every year is World Suicide Prevention Day. For the last 8 years, the ManKind Project has supported the efforts of the International Association for Suicide Prevention. Suicide can drain the life and energy out of a family or a whole community. Suicide is highly correlated to deep stressors related to economic hardship, the end of relationships, loss of social belonging, and drug and alcohol addiction. In men, failure to live up to the social imperatives associated with ‘success’ as a man can be deadly.

read the full post


New Warriors Featured on ‘Follow This’ Netflix / Buzzfeed Program

After confronting some of the uglier aspects of the MRA movement, talking about the terrorist act perpetrated by a man who claimed an identity as an ‘Incel’ (involuntary celibate) in Toronto, and exploring a domestic violence shelter for men in Texas, the ManKind Project is presented as a program for men to look at the structural understanding of manhood and to create the possibility for a better future for all of us. We’re an organization of men that acknowledge the very real challenges that men face, who take responsibility for our shadows, and who are living missions of service to make a positive difference.

The episode is live now on Netflix. [MKP section starts at 13:35]


A New Story

Charles Eisenstein’s 
New Book is Out.

Author of “The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know is Possible,” and “Sacred Economics. Charles is also a New Warrior.

Charles will be on a book tour to support his new book. The first is in Oakland CA on 9/18, and the second is in New York City on 9/22. More in the planning stages

Book Event: NYC:

Book Event: LA:

Charles is also relaunching his website as a profoundly re-envisioned portal for resources and inspiration for cultural evolutionaries.

“In the last few months, having finished my book, I have been creating a lot of new videos and other material that I will start releasing in a torrent this fall. I feel motivated like never before by the things I have seen in the world — both horrifying and sublime. I am no longer content to just create material, brush my hands together, stick it in my website archive, and move on to the next thing. It needs to be levered out into the world.”


Stop Fight or Flight
Trance Busters™ Manual

#NewWarrior David L. Monroe has been studying modalities for releasing trauma for decades. Drawing from multiple sources, and intent on creating a simple and reproducible practice for anyone to use, David has created a workbook called ‘Trance-Busters.’ Trance-Busters™ are trauma reset and neutralization exercises that rapidly and easily turn off the “fight or flight” reaction to highly charged emotional events (i.e. traumas) in our lives.

In David’s experience, until the “fight or flight” response is turned off, most traditional interventions, such as talk therapy, medications, reenacting the experience, role playing and other interventions, are largely ineffective until the “fight or flight” response is deactivated. This manual is available for free – along with a series of demonstration videos.


Humping for the Homeless

Kalani Creutzburg & Supporters Marched over 200 miles to Support Cammies & Canines

New Warrior Kalani Creutzburg, a formerly homeless Marine veteran, started a non-profit Cammies and Canines. Cammies and Canines provides transitional services to homeless vets, rescues dogs and trains rescued dogs to serve transitioning veterans. They were given the possibility of owning a 289 acre site outside San Diego to train dogs and work with vets. In addition, MKP is hosting NWTAs there! 

We’ve written about Cammies and Canines before. Recently, we interviewed Kalani about his involvement in the ManKind Project.

“MKP gave me permission, for the first time in my life, to touch my feelings. I learned how to give words to my emotions. I shed tears that were locked inside for so long. I let out years of anger without harming anyone else, and each time I saw myself in a mirror. I felt like a monster for so long but the reflection in the mirror was a scared little boy that needed a voice.”

Today, Kalani and a number of supporters crossed the finish line, arriving back at the Sanctuary. They’ve received a lot of recognition and press along the way, but they need help to raise what they need to continue developing the Cammies & Canines Sanctuary. See photographs from the triumphant arrival at the Sanctuary.

#WeAreAllHomeless on AJ+

Willie Baronet’s Mission Continues to Shine


“We are all homeless” is a mission project that New Warrior Willie Baronet has been pursuing for over 25 years. In addition to being made into a full length documentary, Willie was recently featured on AJ+, a well known short news feature producer for Facebook.

Check out the video and show Willie some love!

“the Men’s Work” 3 Week Course

The First Cohort is Complete – and It was Amazing!

‘the Men’s Work’ is designed for men who have not experienced men’s work.

  • 12 participants / 2 facilitators
  • 3 x 90 minute Zoom calls
  • low cost ($50!)
  • invitation to the NWTA as a next step
  • new cohorts launching every month

“10/10. Powerful.”

This is a new offering you can share with men to experience men’s work and get some great skills. 


The Bold Man Summit: How to Live Bold, Inspired, Magnetic and Free

with Host Adam Gilad – September 9 – 20, 2018


Organized by Adam Gilad, noted teacher, author, Emmy-nominated Executive Producer and Stanford Scholar, The Bold Man Summit is a series of over 20 Trainings on practical, life-sharpening paths into your true power and happiest life.

  • How to reconnect with your “gut” – and live your passion fully!
  • How to reduce anxiety and increase your confidence
  • How to set “impossible BOLD goals”
  • How to “professionalize” your personal depth and growth
  • How to change habits that restrict your true capabilities
  • How to move from “default” living to VITAL AND BOLD life

Boysen Hodgson (MKP USA Communications) speaks about the New Warrior Training Adventure, the Hero’s Journey, and being part of a community of men. New Warriors Craig Filek and Robert Schwenkler are also speaking on this Summit.

2018 USA Gathering of Elders


Every two years (2018, 2020, etc.) the ManKind Project USA calls the elders to gather for a powerful weekend for connection, fun, growth, teaching and mentoring. Programming varies widely and can be related to living life more fully, aging with grace, better health, experiential workshops and more.

October 18-21, 2018 there will be a gathering of women and men, Elders, near Orlando, Florida in a lush and beautiful natural place. 


There will be many elders from the Mankind Project but also from Native American tribes, from Elderhood programs of all kinds, from other personal growth and transformation groups, and simply men and women coming to connect, open their hearts, expand their minds, and feed their spirits.

Join the USAGE – learn more and see the schedule at the Landing Page.

#HealingMasculinity. Become a Member.

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ManKind Project, USA PO Box 383 Kaysville, Utah 84037 United States (800) 870-4611

ManKind Project, USA PO Box 383 Kaysville, Utah 84037 United States (800) 870-4611