Purpose 2.0: Upgrade Your Internal Operating System

In the ManKind Project, we feel in our bones the importance of Purpose and Mission … it’s in the DNA of our trainings and our I-Groups.

As men, many of us struggle to find and live with a clear purpose for our lives.  

It seems that there is an awful lot of ‘stuff’ that can get in the way.

It’s clear that our modern lifestyle has thousands of ways to keep us busy and over-full with all kinds of distractions that take up nearly ALL our attention and time.

Our human Operating System (OS) has become increasingly wired for this hyper-paced life of digital entertainment, 24/7 news-media, and high-productivity. That’s the cultural hamster wheel that we now live on.

It’s already been proven by a number of research studies that living with purpose brings you greater health, increased wealth, stronger relationships, and deeper meaning? **

The healthy shift that is needed right now for all of us is to UPGRADE our Internal OS to bring our purpose discovery process to the top of our priority list!

Doing purpose work means creating a passionate, healthy and fulfilled life that has real impact in our communities and in the world. To this end, the ManKind Project USA, with purpose experts Chris Kyle and Brandon Peele, have developed the Purpose Activation Blueprint and they are hosting a new LIVE online training event called:

Purpose 2.0:

Upgrade Your Internal Operating System For a High-Impact Life
with Chris Kyle and Brandon Peele

A LIVE Online Training Event 
Thursday, April 16th at 5:30 pm PDT / 8:30 pm EDT

>> Register Now to Reserve Your Seat <<

As purpose coaches and trainers, Brandon and Chris have been working with men and women around purpose and mission for over 20 years collectively. They have committed themselves to helping men in particular upgrade their internal OS through uncovering a clear and powerful purpose for their lives.

In this live online training event you’ll discover the 3 Key “Upgrades” that will help you get crystal clear and fired up with your purpose to start creating a better life for yourself … and a better world for others.

Go here to register for freeUpgrade Your Internal Operating System with Purpose 2.0

It’s time for ALL of us to be living our purpose to feel passionate, engaged and in support of creating a more just, sustainable and beautiful world together.

To our highest purpose!

**  The Research:

1. Purpose makes us live longer, up to seven years longer (Butler NIH, 1998; Carelton, 2014); 2. Purpose leads to a more vigorous life, by reducing overall mortality rate by 23% and death from coronary heart disease by 19% (Mt. Sinai, 2015); 3. Purpose helps fight Alzheimer’s disease and depression (NIMH, 2005, Boyle/Rush, 2014); 4. Purpose helps us create profitable businesses (Deloitte, 2013); 5. Purpose builds better relationships (Leider/Metlife, 2009); 6. Purpose gives our life meaning (Stanford, 2013); 7. Purpose creates a more equal and tolerant society (Harvard / Cornell / Carelton, 2014)