I have some really exciting news to share with you. Warrior brother, Brandon Peele, has written a groundbreaking new book, Planet on Purpose.

It’s not some trite recap of his journey or a collection of exercises which most people won’t do anyways, it’s what purpose titan, Tim Kelley, Founder of the True Purpose Institute and Author of True Purpose, says is “…the most comprehensive book about higher purpose ever written.”

Planet on Purpose is a game changer. Brandon lays out all the science that correlates your higher purpose with breakthrough results in your career, love life and health.

Plus, he guides you through the purpose discovery journey in plain language, letting you know what to expect during and after the journey, and how to integrate your purpose into every area of your life.

If you hear the call to create a career, life and world you love, I urge you to get his book and begin your journey now. While the book will not be available until March 27th (mark your calendars), I want to give you two options to start enjoying this book for FREE today.

Higher Purpose Starter Kit

It includes the first six chapters of the audio version of Planet on Purpose, and two powerful purpose exercises. Best of all, if you buy the book on 3/27, a healthy portion of the proceeds benefit MKP USA. Because of MKP’s central role in his journey, Brandon is donating 50% of the book’s proceeds in the first week, and 10% thereafter to MKP USA.

Get your Higher Purpose Starter Kit Click Here

Audio Book Version of Planet On Purpose

The second option is to get the whole audio book for free, when you register for MKP’s newest and most robust LIVE purpose course, led by Brandon, the Global Purpose Expedition. Numerous warrior brothers have completed it and have reported breakthrough results: starting new jobs, launching their business, overcoming addictions and finding new love.

Join the Global Purpose ExpeditionClick Here

I want you to have a big, bold life, and celebrate you as your purpose changes the world. I invite you to ignite the raw power of your higher purpose and get the kit or start the course today.

Live a Bold & Authentic Life
