Happy New Year! I hope you enjoyed time with family and friends. I don’t know how it was for you, but I was incredibly disoriented after the holidays.

I didn’t know the date or even the days of the week when it came time to come out of holiday mode. I heard the same from a bunch of people. Maybe it was that the Christmas and New Year’s Eve fell on Monday’s?

That’s not unlike how I’d been feeling concerning living my purpose. I’ve been struggling to keep track of the wide variety of activities and commitments I have. What was working is no longer is.

While my sister Julia was visiting, we visited Powell’s City of Books in Portland. It claims to be the world’s largest independent new and used bookstore in the world. My kinda place!!

As I browsed in this very, very large bookstore, I noticed a book that Ryan Blum-Krystal, a ManKind Project warrior brother from Oakland, had recommended. So, I bought The Bullet Journal Method, Track the Past – Order the Present – Design the Future by Ryder Carroll.

Ryder, says. “The Bullet Journal Method is about much more than organizing your notes and to-do lists. It’s about what I call “intentional living”: weeding out distractions and focusing your time and energy in pursuit of what is truly meaningful, in both your work and your personal life. It’s about spending more time with what you care about, by working on fewer things.”

I’m in the process of implementing the Bullet Journal Method.

Hit Reply, If you use the Bullet Journal Method, or have tried it. I’d like to hear about your experience.

In case you could use some more intentional living, I decided to share this method with you.

Favorite Quote:

“We need to wedge a space between the things that happen to us and the way that we react to them. In this space, we’re granted an opportunity to examine our experience. Here we can learn what’s in our control, what’s meaningful, what’s worth our attention, and why. It’s how we begin to define who we are and what we believe in.”

The Bullet Journal Method By Ryder Carroll

Track the Past – Order the Present – Design the Future

Blog: https://bulletjournal.com/blogs/bulletjournalist

The Big Idea:

The Bullet Journal method is designed to be better stewards of our most precious resources, our time and energy. By working on what’s most important, we can work on what’s most meaningful. With the practical framework, we can combine productivity, mindfulness, and intentionality to declutter our minds and life.

Why this book is important to me.

I’ve been floating between organizational systems. I want to be proactive in how I use my time and energy, and I want to capture the moments of my life. I believe the Bullet Method can help me do all that.

Why I decided to share it with you.

The end of one year and the start of the next is a great time to reflect on what’s working and what’s not. If you are like me, searching for a way to keep track of all that is going on, make sense of your internal and external world, and to create a more meaningful life, then this might be a book worth reading.

Three keys to getting started:

  1. Go to https://bulletjournal.com/blogs/bulletjournalist to sign up for the email list to:
  2. Get the first two Chapters of The Bullet Journal Method and access the reference guide.
  3. Decide if the Bullet Method resonates with you. If it does, give it a three-month trial.

Live a Bold & Authentic Life
