We’ve launched a platform designed for men starting out on their personal growth journey.

If you are a man who hasn’t yet experienced the ManKind Project’s New Warrior Training Adventure, or you know a man who is getting started in his growth, and could benefit from:

  • Increased self-awareness
  • Better communication
  • Increased confidence
  • Emotional Intelligence tools
  • Connection of brotherhood
  • A path forward to continue his growth

Check out The Men’s Work  https://mkpusa.org/themenswork or forward this email to him.

The Men’s Work is for men who are ready to take the first step into something unknown – a men’s group.

In just three short weeks we’ll give you a solid foundation for moving ahead in your life, and you won’t be going alone. We can’t heal ourselves, our society, or our planet while we’re still behaving like lone wolves. We need connection.

Are you ready to take a step … and not sure you’re ready for a weekend intensive or a face to face group?

We’re looking for men just getting started in men’s work. That’s who this is designed for.

Many of the men who reach out to us don’t know what they’re looking for … but they know something is calling. Whether it’s a sense of something wrong or a longing for more significant opportunities, men come to create possibilities.

This program will do just that.

When you finish, you’ll have a set of practices, insights into who you are as a man, and a set of skills for communication, self-awareness, and connection that could change your life.

And you will have experienced men’s work … the impossible to explain the magic of men sitting together in a conscious community.

Testimonials from participants:

This gave me the opportunity to see that men all over the world face similar challenges and carry similar baggage that is keeping them from living the kind of powerful lives they would like to live. I now see that there are tools to help me to be the man I want to be, especially the fellowship of good, like-minded men. ~ David M.

This is a great introduction to powerful conversations about the things men typically hide from others, and themselves, and to tools to help become whole again. ~ Fredrik L.

I signed up on the recommendation of a friend. I joined the first week very nervous. By the end of the second week I knew I had found a community that fostered honesty and hope. Today, after the third week, I am taking actions in my life I had given up on decades ago. I would sign up again tonight if given the chance. ~ John M.

This 3 Week Course is $75. That’s it.

  • 12-14 men per cohort
  • 2 Facilitators
  • 3 consecutive weeks
  • 90 minute live video calls
  • Weekly resources and practices
  • Private Facebook group for participants and grads

Register Now

We believe the value we’re offering here is worth $500 or more, and the path this could open … well, it’s impossible to put a price on transformation.

Live a Bold & Authentic Life
