In episode #027 of The ManKind Podcast, Brandon Clift interviews renowned psychologist and professional troublemaker, Dr. David Gruder, to introduce you to the SHADOW of the human psyche.

The term Shadowisbecoming more commonly used to describe the negative aspects of our personalities which is why we’ve brought David onto the show to give you his expert rundown of how the shadow impacts our livelihood.

Interview Starts At: [04:35]

This Episode Covers: 

  • How childhood determines how we develop our shadow into adulthood.
  • How to identify, explore and address our shadow work.
  • How we can invite others to see where their own shadow is getting in the way of their progress in life.
  • The RIGHT way to begin Shadow Work and why it’s important to seek guidance and support from the beginning.

Loved Dr. David Gruder? Find His Links Here:

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