In episode #036 of The ManKind Podcast, Brandon Clift interviews NYU Social Psychologist, Dr. Crystal Clarke, who shares her insights and findings from over a decade of working, researching, and teaching on creating deeper connections through healing social divides.

Interview Starts At: [04:30]

This Episode Covers: 

  • How we are asking many of the WRONG questions when trying to create a deeper connection with others.
  • How our assumptions and biases interfere with getting to the truth when conversing and connecting with others.
  • How you can begin to ask thicker questions and create a greater impact on those you connect with,

Loved Crystal? Find His Links Here:

  • Her Website: HERE
  • Instagram: HERE
  • The Listening Project: HERE
  • The Crisis Of Connection Book: HERE

Additional Resources:
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐: >>>HERE<<<
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