In this episode of the ManKind Podcast, host Paul Newell sits down with Eldra Jackson III to talk about the various sides of human work, the areas most fail to acknowledge and integrate. 

Eldra  is the Co-Executive Director of The Inside Circle, a healing community using the power of human connection found in peer-guided healing circles, we transform lives, positively impacting each system we touch by reducing violence inside and outside adult and juvenile prisons, lowering recidivism rates, and building social-emotional literacy.  He is also the Host of the Inside Circle Podcast, a space to expand our concept of personal transformation and what it means to begin change from within.

Key takeaways from this episode: 

  • Developing a new relationship with wounds
  • What are the areas of self-care
  • What can integration mean for those doing their inner work
  • Distinction between “healing a wound” vs. “revealing strength from a wound”
  • Practicing authentic connection with self
  • The benefits of being in a sharing community

See the Work..

Watch Eldra’s Ted Talk…

Wisdom 2.0 Main Stage Talk

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